Don't worry any injured players will be healthy day one of the Stanley cup playoffs.

You can't roll with an overcap roster with out some shenanigans

"I live in fear that my own people will hurt me if they even think I vote Republican" 

Vegas it's just gearing up to get Draisaitl after next season

Hypothetically, would you want the knights to have Ryan Nugent Hopkins and Conner McDavid for over a decade, or a cup in 6 years? Personally I prefer the cup and the whole experience that came with it. I love the players but it's a hard cap league and if they move on I can still follow my favorites. It's not like I have to burn their sweaters.

Dealers are so transparent with the scam. $12000 down? Ok here is $11809 of worthless markup. The ol' disappearing down payment. 

Mexico has some places where you have to pay the government a fee to use anything but a cell phone. They have a little tax stand somewhere near the entrance. Just typical Mexico grift. 

Loaded beef nachos are solid for $3. I'm excited for them to go away like everything else that's worth getting. 

Went on grandeur in May. I had an amazing time. No lines and there were servers around whenever I needed a drink. There was a little bit of a smell in the hallways on one deck but not in the rooms. Like other people said, the worst part is having to go row the boat for an hour a day but she's an old boat, what do you expect.

The way I see it, the guys that are left are still capable of losing in the first round(or better). I don't think we are falling off compared last season. Hell we might come out way ahead in 2 years judging by some of the deals these other teams are signing. I love Chandler Stephenson getting paid but dayum! 

There are already ones that automatically apply the brakes when you press down. There are ones with adjustable rolling resistance, ones where the brakes are on and you squeeze to release them. The added cost and complexity and weight of something powered just doesn't make it worth it. 

2A millennial

Post shows 316 comments but I can not see a single one in here. 

Took me too long to find this comment. Op may own the land but if there is an easement he can not block that road.

IRS detected, muscle car rejected. Solid rear axle wrapped around a light pole... That's a true muscle car. 

VGK - NHL :62012:

I am drunk but this doesn't seem even like an exaggeration. 

VGK - NHL :62012:

If you think that's passion, you should see how they react when you shit talk their mall! 

VGK - NHL :62012:

If the oilers can't lay 9 on the Panthers in the finals are they even good tho? 8 goals? Pathetic. 

VGK - NHL :62012:

My stream died and now it's halfway through the 3rd. I guess that's what I deserve 

Maritime law doesn't allow that though. 

VGK - NHL :62012:

Oilers are so good they lost 3 straight just to have the reverse sweep narrative. Also I gagged typing that. 

I'm definitely not arguing because I don't know enough about it to say for sure, but it feels like you wouldn't be able to deposit the full amount in a tax advantaged retirement plan every five years to avoid the tax drawbacks from cashing out. And that money is already locked up for 5 years not earning anything so it would hurt growth.  I know pers pays pretty good if you got in during your early 20s and can retire penalty free in your early 50s. Napkin math but you would need at least around million in the retirement account to pull the same in interest as pers pays at retirement.  A ton of variables in there though and everyone has different situations.  Again, not saying you are wrong