gamer shibe

Its literally just called Dogecoin wallet.

gamer shibe

I mean its more I don't have the phone I used rather than the data being overwritten. Where would I go to try and work it out using a seed phrase? Even if it didn't ask me about any it should still have had one, right?

gamer shibe

Yeah I've found the wallet address and its still in there I just don't have the wallet.dat file any more. I was using a generic dogecoin wallet for my phone that doesn't look like it has the ability to recover like that. I also don't remember putting down a seed phrase of any sort but then again its been almost 7 years. Where do I go from here?

Recovering Lost Wallet

A really, really long time ago (like 5 or so years ago) I bought a bunch of doge and moved it to a wallet on my phone. I've since gotten a new phone and I don't think I saved the file like that. Is there any way for me to recover it or find it again? I had it on a computer at first and transferred it so I probably still have the wallet information but Id like to get it back if I could.

My current warlock has a hand theme going on due to some larger backstory reasons, to the point of having a statted up Crawling Hand as his Pact of the Chain familiar. So right now his Eldritch Blast looks essentially like a magical slap/punch. Im pretty happy with it so far.

A scaled entrepreneur tries to help out a small town, gets run out by a bunch of hooligans and murdered by a larger scaled banker.

  • Server: NA

  • Type of Bug: In Game Bug

  • Description: Maokai Ult does not go on cooldown if he dies right as he uses it.

  • Video / Screenshot: Coming Soon

  • Steps to reproduce: Use Ultimate as Maokai the moment you die.

  • Expected result: Ultimate gets used and goes on cooldown.

  • Observed result: Maokai Ultimate goes off but DOES NOT go on cooldown

  • Reproduction rate: ?

  • System specs: N/A

While trying to say "It's not impossible" I managed to say "It's not undoable." My wife won't let me live it down and I don't blame her.

Its a sort of noir film starring Jeff Bridges as The Dude, a bum who gets roped into a situation when he gets mistaken for someone else with the same name.

Its really such a good film, so many interesting characters and is super quotable.

BotRK now gives more AD, less Atk speed, more lifesteal, active doesn't do max hp damage but attacking the target afterwards makes the movespeed slow last longer.

EoN's shield lasts 5 seconds down from 10 plus the stuff in the hot fix (less AD and longer cooldown).

Bond of Stone -> Stoneborn Pact. Gives the user more HP plus hitting enemy champs with CC (doesn't have to be hard CC) marks them. Allies that attack marked champs heal for a % of your max HP.

The Tekthra are a race of scaled creatures roughly 15-20 feet tall from another reality that was accidentally discovered when someone misused the World Gate, a portal that was until that point used to trade with other, similar worlds. The Tekthra, behaviorally speaking, are similar to the Highbreeds from the Ben 10 series, in that have a loathing disdain and borderline hatred for anything non-Tekthra or at the very least not useful to the Tekthra. They maintain a race of lower life forms simply dubbed "Fog Beasts", creatures with no physical form and whose presence is primarily characterized by the Fog that appears where they are currently located. The fog has an almost anaesthetic affect, causing any who breathe it in large concentrations to become relaxed an unable to recognize danger. This is used by the Fog Beasts as a form of hunting, by immobilizing prey in the vicinity of predators and then slowly dissolving the flesh after the predator has had their way with the carcass. The Tekthra use this gas as a form of recreational drug and use the area on the other side of the World Gate as a free ranged fog beast far, caring not about the people endangered as a result of the fog beasts numbing affect or the inability to grow crops due to the fog blocking out much of the sunlight.

Hey, this looks pretty interesting. Any plans on adding achievements/trading cards in the future?

ADC, because I absolutely fell in love with Jhin and his whole kit and ADC is the role he is most viable in, so I picked up other ADCs since I got used to the role.


Thanks for the giveaway op!

In a certain part of my world, they use Yetis to deliver supplies and messages through the dangerous mountains, in exchange for giving the Yetis livestock and game to eat since they're otherwise unable to catch it themselves.

Ganzigliari Fonteskal (Ganzig to most)

Leader of the Knights of Blood, an order dedicated to halting the spread of the Nightmares (creatures that pour forth from what remains of the Nightmare Tower). Known for his tactical skill and his disdain for the creatures he fight and any that sympathize with them.

Immediately recognizable from his signature reverse crecent blades and awkward gait caused by a prosthetic leg. Very talkative but in an inquisitive rather than friendly way. Shows companionship to those that aid his fight against the nightmares but slightly looks down in those who don't/won't contribute to his cause for any reason.

How to Keep Track of Maps/NPCs in a Setting?

I've been designing a setting in my free time, and I've got a lot of the continent scaled map making done and am moving into writing down a lot of the in-my-head-but-not-on-paper details. Ideally, what I would like to do is make a fully interconnected page or pages so as to help me with managing it as well as keeping things easily accessible should someone else want to use it.

Does anyone know a program that will serve my purposes?

That happened a few weeks back. I prediction flashed a point blank Hecarim ult, got called a scripter. It was a good feeling.