It’s unfortunate for Democrats that they actually are held accountable.

And that’s not to say that’s not correct, it is. Just that I’d argue it’s one of the big disadvantages, the Republican base is more homogenized and seems to fall in line easier. You put ten democrats in a room and you’re likely to have three or four differing views form on a single issue. Which, again, is how things should work…there should be civil discourse. I just don’t often see the other side engaging in that, and I can’t help but think these headlines are horrible when it comes to sway voters….when the discourse is that Biden’s own party doesn’t believe he should be president.

(Sorry if that’s just rambling. all these recent events don’t have me in the best mindset. At times wind up posting, I think as some sort of attempt at catharsis)

Now only if the Democrats had the ability to message and beat the is into the public’s brain, hanging it over the head of every Republican candidate, as the GOP has done with things such as CRT.

I wonder if there are other like me, with the proliferation and legalization of sports betting, now-a-days, instead of looking at records, I tend to go to the DraftKings app and check the odds. Seeing Shakur and Davis as astronomical favorites is what led me to think the card wasn’t appointment viewing. I’m more likely to tune in, even if it’s guys I’m not that familiar with if I see that (on paper) it’ should be competitive.

I love that the men’s mitb is already spent.

Probably a minority opinion, but to me the entire concept is beyond stale and has run its course. To me the briefcase is a shit storytelling device that represents everything that was wrong with WWE when they were at their worst creatively. While there have been some exceptions, where it does work, too often it was a get out of story-telling free card…where they could just deus ex machina the title on someone whenever they felt like it, without putting the work in to develop story and character. This was most evident the years they’d give the briefcase to someone and then have them lose for months. So I’m fine with it not looming over the rest of the year.

Was thinking the same thing last night, right before the main event, as I was watching on delay and had the realization that I wanted to fast forward to like the last five minutes, because I was excited to see the finish and any potential storyline afterward, but really didn’t care about watching the 15 minutes in ring beforehand

Yeah, I just saw the news and was trying to work it out in my head….my initial thought was that’s barely anything, but then remembered he was a FA, so a couple lotto tickets is better than literally nothing.

If true, sucks then that the current narrative/discourse exists. I don’t know how it isn’t a huge negative with swing voters that you’ve got a president who already had a low approval rating, and the public narrative is that his own party is questioning if he’s the correct candidate and fit to run. Don’t know how that’s supposed to inspire any confidence or turnout. Truthfully, if I was completely uninformed I’d probably have the mindset, both these guys suck, I’m not voting for either.

I’m with you. I don’t mind more matches on the card, if they are varied lengths and some are shorter. Think a perfect example this past PPV was the Jericho match. As it started, I had the thought….this match wouldn’t be an issue if they have the self-awareness to realize it’s about getting the entrances, get the guys in the show. 5-8 minutes. Fun little match, get there shit in and go home. It’s only an issue if they go like 15 minutes. Then go figure…it goes nearly 15 minutes.

I hate that this story made me remember this guy, and I hate even more that it caused me to look up the race and I’m seeing him ahead in polling.

Not sure how likely that is, when the allure of the party comes from being selfish, blaming others and creating your own reality based on what makes you feel comfortable.

Think the only ways there would be understanding for most of that base, is the off chance there actually is some sort of afterlife, and there was some sort of God or spirit to say…you were supporting an anti-Christ type figure.

This is a real personal thing, my experience, but I do find it to be a fun fact and occasionally share..

As a kid, I saw the Razor vs Shawn ladder match, at my local armory, amongst a thousand or so fans, months before Wrestlemania.

Not sure if it’s common knowledge, but that match is one that wa definitely planned ahead of time, as I was there. It was something that felt like a fever dream I remembered from my past, luckily we have the internet and I was able to confirm. Anyone that’s curious the house show was Jan. 20th 1994 at the Torrington Armory. Razor decorated Shawn in a ladder match.

Because many may actually not be able to…too many people lack critical thinking skills. For them, it is simply black/white, they lack the ability to assimilate and accommodate new information. They lack the ability to view the world beyond their own limited experiences. They lack the ability to project and calculate various outcomes.

I’d argue that is a root problem. And the ways we got to this point, poor public schools that prioritize standardized tests over higher order thinking, negative effects of social media and the psychological warfare they are exposed to there daily, etc. are all topics on to their own…but they all lead to where we are today.

No, they are saying don’t put your faith in an uninformed public that lacks critical thinking skills.

And, sadly, I must agree. Especially when you consider that the average American is now seen as nothing more than a consumer, who’s every right and desire is tracked, and in turn psychologically manipulated to leave them feeling unsatisfied at worst, and at best works to confirm existing beliefs. It shouldn’t try en be a surprise that a majority don’t grasp the severity of the circumstances or gravitate to the person essentially saying….youre smart, you’re special. Everything is someone else’s fault. I can give you what you want

I appreciate the sentiment from Ospreay, but it also illustrates issues with AEW if you’re booking based on what a loud minority may bitch about online. You inevitably wind up chasing your own tail, as you may have quieted one group, but now probably have another upset Will isn’t champ or going for the title at All In, etc.

It’s unfortunate for them this came out, as now it is more about Ospreay being selfless and a great guy as opposed to legitimizing Swerve.

That’s why the “it’s my money, who cares how I spend it” attitude always drove me insane. I wish it was that simple, but that’s obviously not the case. My experience as a gamer is worse today because of the choices others have and continually make.

For me, this is evidenced most with sports games. Sports game used to be my favorite genre (I’m quite a while ago. Was a sim franchise type player) and now I rarely touch them. I’m a discerning consumer, so luckily there’s so many great titles out now-a-days I can largely ignore a wide swath of the AAA game space and still have more than enough great things to play.

And more in line with the initial topic - Game Pass was always an idiotic model. It’s why PS was so slow to combat it, and still didn’t offer the same type of perks (day one releases). It was a loss leader meant to move consoles and regain footing in the industry, or it’s been my assumption, move out of the console market donner than later and push their subscription model across all platforms. It never made sense as a long term viable product without that being the end goal.

It makes my head want to explode that Biden didn’t repeat actual facts like this ad nauseam during the debate. Why social media, airwaves aren’t flooded like the republicans, but unlike them you can use truth.

It’s one of the things that helps republicans most, they treat people like children. They simplify messages, use them universally and repeat it over and over again. Meanwhile, the Democrats (by and large) seem to operate as if the majority are engaged, critically thinking citizens that actively seek out information and truth.

Sorry for the mini-rant. Just something that’s bothered me since the debate. And as someone that knows the crime rate stats, the fact Trump can rally his supporters and likely win over some independents providing a complete narrative just kills me inside.

The number of matches on the show issue (for those that feel that way) would be negated some if they realized a match like this should be about 5 minutes.

I hate Sunday AEW shows. Selfishly, there’s no way I’m gonna stay up for all of this, and will probably get it spoiled before o have the chance to watch the big matches.

At least on Saturday (or a holiday weekend) I can watch first thing the next morning. Oh well

Even though I have little hope for Williams, when I saw this deal it made sense to me…I see why the team would want to hang on to him at this cost.

AEW, where every storyline revolves around friendship!

I know some people don’t like him as a personality, but I love the data Warren Sharpe provides and consistently make use of it.

Over on X, he posted a new metric he charted…rate of incomplete passes due to inaccurate pass.

Was kind of shocked to see where Tua wound up, as the accuracy is generally perceived as the strength, as he was 27th, sandwiched between Mac Jones and Daniel Jones at 34.4%. Worth noting there’s a few big names worse, Lamar, Lawrence, Stroud to name a few.

And fwiw, I believe every stat or bit of info is a piece of a large and complicated puzzle, so not posting to infer any negative conclusions, simply thought it was interesting especially because it points to the opposite of what I may have assumed. Full list on Sharpe’s X account.

It really is ironic.

And you don’t even have to take into account what’s going on now, as some could argue thats subjective (though I agree). Fox was built on shows like Married with Children and The Simpsons…shows that challenged what was considered decent on television. Im old enough to have lived through their rise, and they’ve always seemed the fringe network, wiling to push the lines comparative to the other three networks.

It’s worked for Strickland.

Can’t blame either when we live in a society that values perception over substance. Though, Garry start better getting some finishes, you can offset a boring fight as long as you have an exciting 10 seconds that can be thrown on social media.