I received the email too. I am in disbelief.

You look like a discount Hannah Montana wanting to express the sexuality of Pans

Wrong, old School Roman way was to suddenly forgive all the debt and start over again from scratch

Which is stunning as to how half baked the assassination was. Cicero was right, if you're going to do this, have a plan. Kill Antony, eliminate the Caesarians, establish a method by which the Republic will restart. Not hope that the city will see the nobility of your deed. Brutus did not kill Tarquinius Superbus

Watches Pluto Nash.

Look the falling star crashed. Ouch.

It was a central power. Governors or mayors of cities ran their areas as best under Roman law and Rome didn't bother you, as long as taxes were paid, the emperor was respected, and peace was kept. If that didn't happen, expect a visit from the local military Tribune asking if his general needs to get involved.

Ah, from what I read it didn't hit it off too well. It was called JP extinction.

First smack him, next find a sack, then throw him in sack, then toss a cock, snake and monkey in sack. Tie up sack. Beat up sack. Toss in Tiber.

There can be only one!! The Landlording, I buy everything, I own everything, every HOA condo will be mine!!!!!

TIL BuzzFeed has no clue what it's doing. I previously thought they had half a clue. Jokes on me.

George of the Jungle, the early years

Don't know but the krauts were the first one to giggle when the orange man told them that being dependent on Russian oil was a bad thing.

Ooh my dad did that. He worked and gave the entire paycheck to my mom to manage. She ran the house and all he got was an allowance for gas and lunch. So then my mom would cook, clean, balance the budget, and make purchases. He didn't say jack other than, he felt that mom could do it better.

When he wasn't a raging alcoholic, he was ok. Almost reasonable.

Here hunny, there's your spinach, Mutton shank, and your side of Gamma Radiation.

Crackheads need attention too.

I can shave your stash and eyebrows and make myself a Chia Pet.

Could you go reeeee somewhere else Furry and cheese