Both these pics look same, in the right one she just gained weight is all.

Acting was very stiff and seemed more like a stage-play than the movie, but the story was great, lived it. Concept was also good. Very Impactful plot. I only liked Sharvari’s acting, Jaideep also wasn’t putting any life into his character and Junaid was the one who was more stiff and didn’t put any smoothness or naturalism in his delivery and expression.

Thats bad, poor guy couldn’t prove his credibility because of how he held the pizza, but the pizza didn’t deserve it, Justice for Pizza 🍕

I worked in this huge dental corporation in Bangalore, India and two of our new dental assistants (19-20 y/o nursing students as we don’t have any courses or eligibility for dental assistants here)were on training for their 3rd day. Both of them entered the washroom together, and a patient saw them coming out of washroom together and so did one of the clinic ops assistant. Everybody thought they were a couple and went inside to do some kissing or something inside the washroom which was tiny. But two of us doctors saw their eyes were blood shot red and they were high. Don’t know what they did inside because there was no smell of weed. But needless to say, they would have been fired if they came next day. But they blocked the entire management team of the corp and we didn’t see them again

Did they have low budget on makeup artist, costume and styling? Looks so weird

I feel like she can’t close her lips effortlessly because her lips are so big due to the fillers. I could be wrong though

Milk, even looking at it makes me feel queasy and if I get to smell hot milk from far, I can’t eat anything for the whole day and the next day too sometimes.

I just googled and AI version of it came up. I don’t know anything more. Maybe you or somebody else can enlighten me. Sounds weird to me too.

So many things, Aliens, Time travel (related to physical, read somewhere), parallel world (Taured mystery man), Ghosts ( Einstein related ghosts to energy and physical) etc. I love the conspiracy theories related to these science + paranormal stuffs. Hope they turn out to be true and related to theory of some 4th,5th or some similar dimension thing.

I just googled “glitter in military” and apparently it helps track location of the soldiers. I have learned so much from reddit.

Thanks for telling. Azerbaijan is very popular in recent years.

It looks great for a date in a small cafe.

Also wanted to say, that neighbourhood looks so gorgeous.

I can’t get over Daphne’s look. Her dress and everything is so gorgeous.

Sexual abuse to Animals, kids, disabled (mentally or physically) and really old, weak people. SA in itself is a heinous crime, robs you off something irreplaceable while keeping you alive, to remember the trauma for the rest of the days you live. And doing the same to someone who can’t defend themselves or understand the gravity of the situation at that time, makes it so much more worse.

It happens to really old people too, and I can’t decide what’s worse. Probably SA in general is most heinous, no matter what age.

I spent 11-12 years studying and working as a dentist in India. Now I am switching careers because its investment is huge and it doesn’t make much money here and I am tired of working the same amount as rest of the world as a dentist for pennies.

Yes, it feels like the body of the person is there but the core element of this person has changed, they are entirely someone else, a stranger. Nowhere will you find the person you had met years ago, he is not an element of the past. And that happens people change in a very small time span, and these are cases of years of estrangement.

Yes, it was very disappointing. He was very innocent as a kid (7-8 y/o) but when I messaged him on facebook (early 20s) he was talking like a chapri and trying to flirt like a chapri too. I asked him to stop once, and when he didn’t I just blocked him in the middle of conversation without any closure. He was truly disappointed and it pissed me off.