Bob Ross gets too much credit for his paintings and it seems to eclipse his overwhelming positivity. His painting are a well crafted parlor trick but his positivity is something most people couldn’t learn or last with a lifetime of training.

Exactly. Why don’t they ever destroy banks? Wells Fargo has had it coming for years now.

I know people are going to trash me for this or even call me racist but idc that family embodies the Gypsy stereotype.

Ok sure, it’s better than the guy groping children in Times Square dressed as Elmo.

Why does Elmo look like he got bargain breast implants in his eyes?.. also why is Elmo there?

I’m now thinking that tests like this have to have happened in secret and administered by the government for decades. They’ve probably even done so much with it that they got bored and stopped.

It’s like hulk. People are so mad about hulk and it’s obvious that they’re building him up just to knock him down. Like, if he went on a rampage now it would be so much more angry and devastating than anything we’ve seen so far.

I remember in around 2010 pop punk got really popular and a bunch of my friends were going to Third Eye Blind shows. I never considered that band pop punk or even punk adjacent. But I feel like the thing you’re talking about started there.

Some would say the best victims. So many victims. More than anyone else. They say “wow he has so many victims” and well maybe it’s not that many but ok. These people are crazy. Crazy about my victims! Only the best victims. They came to me crying, young children. “Please” they said. You know me folks. I had to do it. The victims.

Exactly. Any time I hear that said out loud I’m like. So what? I don’t worship celebrities or politicians. I don’t have a Joe Biden sign in my yard or a flag on my truck and I would never. So if Clinton the man fucks kids he should go rot in jail with Trump.

The “well your guy is a pedo too” shit is the most insane shit happening right not. Just put them all at the bottom of a well with nothing to eat for all I care. My guy isn’t and wasn’t Clinton. I swear these Trump people would suck trumps actual diaper dick if he asked them to when the democrats can’t even get $4 donations from most registered democrats. Theres a clear difference.

I worked for a guy who owned a franchise of a well known company. I was one of his 5 employees. Occasionally he’d give someone he kinda knew or knew his family some how, or someone from his church a discount. The discount each time was break even for him on that particular service. We offered many services which were out money makers but the main thing we offered was not very profitable.. anyway, those people always had problems or wanted more. I’d be standing there just completely baffled by how rude they were to him and it made me realize that once you open that door for some people, even as a favor, they see it as away to get more. I don’t think they’re malicious exactly but I think they see a weakness to exploit so they do. We’re all programmed to think like that. Also there’s almost no benefit to a small business owner to discount something for someone. Youre essentially paying for the worst advertising campaign you can afford. That person if you’re lucky will actually say something nice about your company best case scenario. Worst case and most likely thing to happen. They tell people how easy it is to get you to crumble.

They really don’t want to talk about price gouging like they’re allergic to talking about wage theft.

I think the issue you don’t understand as a non American is how much bill clinton being a client comes up in daily conversation. I live in a politically purple area and I hear it about three times a week in various different ways. I parked my car next to a woman with an air freshener hanging from her rearview mirror with a picture of Jeffery Epstein on it.

These Trump supporters crowbar pedophilia and elite democrats or “cOaStAl ElItEs” into every discussion. Did you accidentally by rotten apples at the supermarket?.. well it must be Joe Biden and his pedophile cabal. Did you get a flat tire in your way to work? Well it’s because Joe and “the ho” let in all the Mexicans who A.)installed your tire wrong, B.) Made the tire wrong, C.) littered the road with trash, D.)Bill Clinton was on Epstein’s jet.

Youre unestimating the importance behind someone saying “Trump was a client” because it matters that it those people hear that again and again because I can’t even stand in like to buy a fucking coffee without hearing about Bill Clinton.

for reference.

I’m sure to the author of this article, blasphemy probably out ranks every other awful thing people have done with ai otherwise the article would be titled “why doesn’t Facebook just ban ai slop like deepfake porn”

I’m almost through the first book. Like basically at the end. Calm down but also thanks for the spoiler. Not everyone looking for an answer hasn’t bothered reading it they’re just not to the part where it happensz

This is the kind of shit that leads everyone into voting for the leading party in a dictatorship. Your neighbors can already look up your voting record, your neighbors who are waiting for Trump to tell them to come looking for you.

I think I remember in the original post having the list and it was all junk food. I’d be curious to see a list so I could scrape the internet finding the corporations who have increased their msrp that high and what excuses they’ve issued publically for inflation. Also, where they stand with unionization/ what their employees say plus what their ceo makes and has made for the last 10 years. I’m sure it really wouldn’t be hard to paint a picture of price gauging around the findings.

I mean, she’s sounded very bitter towards a lot of people in her Fly on the wall interview.

It took me a few tries to get most of the way through it and then I gave up.

That lady has demons

The two things they did wrong with this series I think were cast Joel Mchale and copy the British show almost exactly.

Did he even do anything to deliver on that promise last time around besides trying to destroy windmills and solar?