I always make small tweaks with every track as I'm recording them. Not sure why you wouldn't.

I feel ya my dude.

I started I high-school as well (22 yrs ago), and have been parts of many projects and bands over the years.

Recently, I got tired as well. I wanted to take a break from in-progress solo album and my band was dragging their feet on completing the next album. I decided to do something different.

I wanted to try and write, compose, arrange, and produce differently. So I started a new project. I made up a fake punk band. Wrote and recorded a 6 track EP in a weekend, and it totally refreshed me. I felt wonderful. Sometimes you just have to take a deep breath, try something new, and you'll feel better about everything.

The EP drops on all platforms next week 🀘🀘

Well said.

I use FL only for making beats I'm specifically going to use for an industrial or experimental track... outside of that, I use Audacity. Mainly because I can play drums, piano/synths, guitar, and bass myself, and they have tons of plug-ins for post-production effects now. I record demos for my band and usually just keep the drums and piano/synth tracks for our album cuts, but I'll still record a rudimentary bass and guitar track so the other members can grasp the concept of the rhythm or basic sound I'm thinking about, and then just replace my tracks with their for the final mix.

Yeah. I specifically waited until a really good sale was going on at my local market. It was like a 13lb brisket for about $25??... I didn't feel horrible about it. Just really frustrated.

Well damn. Yeah, I fired it up the first time and it did well for the first hour, then stopped smoking from the grill, and smoked pouring from the hopper. I turned it to off, and let it clear out, started again, and still smoked from the hopper. Then it overheated to almost 400... turned it off again, let it cycle, turned it on again to 225. Then it overheated and I guess what little gristle was on the pan under the rack caught on fire... burned my arm hair off (LOL) let it cool, wiped the thermometers off with a napkin... then turned it back on, and it took like another hour to get back up to 225. Took it off after about 8hrs total and the brisket was dry (not horrible, but noticeably dry). The hopper thermometer registered temps the entire time. Turned it on yesterday, and now the hopper thermometer won't register anything at all. 🀬

Luckily, I planned on using most of the brisket leftovers for a chili, so the meat is still def usable... but still. Extremely annoying.

I've been having a problem like this as well.

My father-in-law gave me his Members Mark pellet grill a couple months ago. Fired it up last weekend, and even set on like 225, it raged up to 400 and started burning pellets in the auger/hopper. Cleared out all the pellets i could, let it cool. Refilled it, let it run, wiped down both temp probes. It was still a little wonky, but... meh, I got through it.

Ruined my brisket though (luckily, it was a small one, since I was testing it out).

Tried to fire it up yesterday for some poor man's burnt ends. Thing fired up and hit the set temp pretty quickly, but now the hopper thermometer isn't registering at all, so it keeps spiking the temp, and I have to turn it off for a while to let it cool, then put it back on smoke. Even at smoke level, it won't regulate and will hit 300+


And I'm stuck, because I got rid of my big wood smoker when he gave me this.

Is it difficult to replace the hopper regulator/temp gauge?

And yet... I'm still living rent free in your head πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

Omg. My wife went through this same thing last year.

Send it. It helps.

Thats a good plan.

We were together for a while, but jumped to marriage because I decided to join the Army.

It was okay at first, but when I had long days and she started going to college... things went south :(

I got married to my first wife early. I was 21, she was 19... we met in high school and were together for three years before we got married. It was still too soon.

We were married for 4 years before we divorced. Long story, but yeah... too young

I post a lot about what we are working on, but not so much it gets annoying (album updates, new gigs, pics of us practicing), and when I post memes, it's only music-related

I started building a roller coaster for my son's game 🀣🀣

He loves it

That was me for the first few months.

Recently bought the game for my 6 y/o son... he kept getting lost, so I had to build markers and roads for him πŸ˜…

I did this all the time in my early work... especially before I was introduced to DAWs. Back in high school (1999-2003), I had to record everything to tape, so I constantly had to innovate to achieve desired effects.

(Like taking apart a microphone, and putting all the electronics inside of an empty bottle to achieve a sort of hollowed echo vocal effect... stuff like that)

This. You can be a synth/emulator wiz, but nothing beats a real guitar. Even just mic-ing up an amp the "real" sound, instead of recording and adding pedal effects during production.

I've composed, recorded, and produced dozens and dozens of songs using both... sometimes the "false" guitar sounds fit the song, but 4 out of 5 times, I find myself going back to a real guitar. Even with my band, when I record demos, I play some super simple guitar, just so the other guitarists get a feel of the direction I'm wanting to go.

This actually sounds like it would be fun as hell! Personally, I'd try to reach out to them and get at least one jam session in (not even have to go over all the songs on the list... just jam). Even though you're the drummer, it helps to know how everyone else grooves.

I'm down. I've recorded rock, pop, electronic, punk, industrial... always down to experiment

Nah, actually been here longer than you. Just don't post a hundred times a day like you apparently do 🀣

Lol, glad I'm important enough for you to stalk me 🀣🀣

Man, if 39 is geezer... whew. Thats rough.

But still, I appreciate that I could take up enough of your time for you to look into me. Getting to live rent free in that know-it-all head of yours πŸ˜…πŸ˜…

Yep! Recently remastered one of my d solo albums and put it out for distribution!

Currently re-recording a bunch of old songs I wrote in high school for a new solo album!

Yeah. They broke up 5 years ago and she's engaged.. Why is she even bringing this up?

Yeah. They broke up 5 years ago and she's engaged.. Why is she even bringing this up?


Imagine feeling so self-centered, that a person would make a post 5 ** after a breakup... after they've been engaged for yeeeeears.

Over meeting their ex randomly... like, who the fuck cares?


Imagine feeling so self-centered, that a person would make a post 5 ** after a breakup... after they've been engaged for years

Over meeting their ex randomly... like, who the fuck cares?

You're the asshole. This shit happened 5 years ago. WHO CARES???

Oh wait... you do. You want attention.


Actually, regardless of his supposed "spineless-ness", you're a vindictive bitch for bringing it up to strangers for attention five years after you broke up, because you just happened to see him at a school function.

Glad to see ol' Kenny dodged a bullet there.

That sucks, my dude. I had something like that happen about 15 years ago.

I lost tons of data as well... had a virus/corruption happen with an old laptop. Lost tons of music data as well as a ton of raw files from a webshow I did at the time. I recovered about 10% of the old data. Sad.... but over the years, I've recovered bits and pieces from phones and old storage drives i forgot I had.

It totally sucks, but... I've moved on. Luckily I wrote down a lot of notes on things, but yeah... its never the same feeling. Sorry it happened to you too ☹