Christian Democrat ⛪

The lack of an audience and muted mics helped Trump. I can see why his campaign would agree

There’s not even a number there to call

It’s fun to play when it works. It’s super glitchy

:friedman: Milton Friedman

No they’ve moved on to it being a case of Havana Syndrome from a Russian energy weapon

We don’t really know. According to what his accomplice confessed, they were going to extort money from the government. Then they’d drive north to Canada, picking up young black boys from orphanages. Then they would train them to commit similar acts of terror.

Thinking of going soon. How much snow is left?

:friedman: Milton Friedman

The article I read doesn’t mention it, but it applies after the convention, i.e. Dems could not change the candidate after the DNC

You don’t want people to use your brand as a verb. That’s how you lose your trademark.

:friedman: Milton Friedman

The article doesn’t mention the specifics of each state, but they’re not good for Dems. The deadline to replace a candidate in Nevada is July 26th. Wisconsin only allows a candidate to be replaced in case of death. They should be okay in Georgia since that deadline is in September.

If the Dem candidate is not on the ballot in WI or NV, Trump would just need AZ, GA, and NC, states where he has a strong lead.

:friedman: Milton Friedman

Democrats across the country have been doing all they can legally to stop third party candidates from getting on the ballot. They have no right to accuse Republicans of being undemocratic for making sure candidates on the ballot can legally be there.

:friedman: Milton Friedman

Not a bad idea, but it should have been done eight years ago. Russia already gave Europe a wake up call

:friedman: Milton Friedman

Just look at the thumbnail graph. Men are just as conservative as they were in 2008 and 2014. Women are significantly more liberal than they were in 2014 though.

If you’re shooting judges, you really don’t need immunity in the first place.

Roid rage is an unproven hypothesis, and tennis players probably don’t do anabolic steroids. I imagine cardio and recovery PEDs are common.

Nah that road around the Alamo Sea to the west and north is too curvy and narrow. The other route is nice and straight

Looks like they’re from Singapore

:friedman: Milton Friedman

I don’t think that would even be a crime without immunity.

:friedman: Milton Friedman

Following that debate, I believe it. RFK could gain some ground. If he can figure out his ballot issues and qualify for the September debate, he’ll look like Einstein next to Trump and Biden if it’s anything like last week, even with his brain worms. He obviously won’t win, but his platform will gain some relevance.

Not every parent has a perfect working knowledge of what book is and is not appropriate. Fifty Shades is just a well known example. There’s a lot of erotica that a parent might not recognize. That’s assuming the parents even speak English. If the parents don’t speak English, they’re going to have a hard time telling what English content is and is not appropriate. There’s parents who speak English but are illiterate. It’s not the biggest need, but it could be useful for some parents.