Cockroaches. So many cockroaches.

Not to mention the drug-dealing neighbor upstairs that turned into a squatter situation. And the monthly paid subscription for parking lot gate entry (just to get into the lot, this wasn’t us paying for our parking) they installed. And the conversion from free guest parking to paid guest parking. And just the overall incompetence from staff constantly turning over.

ETA we absolutely hated that place, but in a weird way we’re somewhat thankful because they pushed us to buy a home.


Here’s more plumpness for your viewing pleasure.

Wow I would have never thought of that. Thank you!

I reported someone to the police non-emergency line once and asked them if the person could find out it was me. The operator said that if they called and paid for a copy of the report, they would have my info. In that situation, I still reported it, but I don’t blame someone who doesn’t want to take the risk.

I’m interested in the three LynBDesigns, and Glam Polish Happy People Just Don’t shoot their husbands if you still have them!

I bought the basic kindle, the 2022 release, in Good condition. There were no blemishes or flaws whatsoever, except for not being in original packaging. I’ve had it for about two months and have had no issues.

I also purchased a used, good condition case. It looks perfect.

Maybe I got really lucky, but I am very happy with my purchase.

Legionnaires outbreaks can be tricky, especially in a tourist area. The 12 months could be based off of the first confirmed case, or from inspection/testing of the water. Not super helpful, I know, but better to be safe than sorry.

I used to work as a health inspector in another state. It looks like Texas follows the 2017 version of the FDA Food Code and if that’s the case, pretty much everything you wrote would be considered a violation. Black mold in the ice machine, not washing hands between soiled and clean dishes and leaving the eggs and buttermilk out overnight are probably the biggest. The rest, though super gross, aren’t quite as egregious, but they definitely have the potential to be.

Back where I worked at the county level, we would sometimes get messages from the state health department that someone had filed a complaint for our jurisdiction so you could try that.

This webpage has an email at the bottom.

Funny enough, doing a YouTube search for “nightmare in dreamland commercial” brings it up. Thank you!

Old Kirby SongDiscussion/Question

Hello! Hoping y’all might be able to help me out with an old song.

Woke up this morning with a snippet of an old Kirby song stuck in my head. The only words I can remember are:

“Nightmare in Dream Land! He’s beating up the bad guys And taking away their powers!”

A quick google search brings up a page with the full song lyrics, which I makes me think it wasn’t some sort of fever dream. Other than that I can’t find anything. No recording of the song or even what it could be from originally. I want to guess that it’s at least 20 years old since I can remember hearing it as a child.

Any one know where this might be from? Thank you kindly!


I love when seemingly different things I enjoy intersect. 😊

I’ve kept my eye on housing too and that’s not worth it either. I’m over in San Antonio (a cheaper area) and yeah houses are cheaper than California (born and raised), but again it isn’t worth it. The property taxes are high and especially with interest rates as they are now, we’re sticking to renting.

Happiness tax! So perfectly put, I love it!

I’m tired of people saying it’s cheaper in Texas. It’s not. And in places where it is, it’s not worth it.

I moved here from Denver with my husband while pregnant at the time with a very much wanted baby. I was terrified about what would happen if something went wrong. He had just gotten a fantastic job offer and we couldn’t say no. We’ve been fortunate enough that I can be a SAHM and that both the baby and I have been healthy.

I handle a lot of our finances these days and, honestly, in lot of ways, Denver was cheaper. We weren’t running our AC all day; our electric bill is awful here. Groceries are about on par. Yes, Colorado has state taxes, but Texas gets its tax money elsewhere. The first time I went to order something online and switched the mailing address, my sales tax jumped up about a full percentage point. I don’t own property, but I’ve read plenty about how atrocious property taxes are. I went to register my car here and wanted to add my husband (we own the vehicle outright but it’s only in my name). I was told we’d have to pay sales tax on the value. I’ve had to do this once before in Colorado and it only cost about $20 more than the typical registration fee. Gas is cheaper here but the highways themselves are just awful. I’ll gladly pay more for taxes somewhere to maintained roads and merging lanes that last more than 50 yards.

I saw my first roadkill dog here. The culture here around dog ownership is awful. People don’t spay and neuter. Packs of stray dogs roam the streets. Animal control is sorely underfunded.

We did get a bigger apartment got what we were playing in Denver, but with so few tenant protections, were paying for it in other ways. I’d gladly take a smaller place to feel more secure.

Personally we’re on a deadline of getting out of here asap. I refuse to raise my daughter in this environment. I’m a veteran living in one of the “liberal” cities of Texas and I fucking hate it.

Wow that sounds wonderfully orchestrated.

Thanks for sharing your experience. I figured my best bet would be to pump and bottle feed. Guess it’s time to get real familiar with my breast pump.

Help! Road-trip coming up

LO is currently 3 months old and, except for a top-off at the final feed before night sleep, we ebf. LO loves to dream feed throughout the day. Usually this isn’t a problem, however, we have an upcoming road trip that’ll take ~9 driving hours that we’re hoping to do in one day.

I have no idea how to manage this. Does anyone have any experience? Should I just start trying to ensure she stays awake while feeding? Thanks for any advice!

US Army Veteran

Yeah I missed the boar for this term. I tried to apply a bit ago and that’s when I realized I couldn’t because my name had changed. Figure I get this straightened out now and I’ll be ready come October.

US Army Veteran

Fantastic. Thanks again!

US Army Veteran

Thank you very much for your help.

US Army Veteran

I have been meaning to make a trip to my local VA. Did you bring photocopies or certified copies?

ETA: thank you!