Idk, the fact that she has continued to promote 9/11 Truther-ism since 2009 might have something to do with her popularity. She can f right off with that bs

No problem at all! It's very easy to get down on ourselves when it comes to our weight. (+ Many of us have to take medication that monkeys with our hunger cues, have conditions like PCOS/hypothyroid, binge eating disorders, have an overwhelming schedule, or just a lack of resources that could help manage our weight in a healthy way).

Tbh, I wasn't very successful with managing my weight in a sustainable way until I found the r/loseit subreddit. It's a great community with lots of good resources that have helped me maintain my 100lb weight loss for over 8 years. They're a great group of people & they are very supportive too!

You got this internet stranger! Just remember not to beat yourself up over your weight & that your weight has fuck all to do with your self worth. You have value regardless of what the number on the scale says :)

If it's not too much trouble, could you send me a link too please?

You got this โ™ฅ๏ธ ๐Ÿ’™ โ™ฅ๏ธ

Personally, I would love to hear more!

1st - Congratulations on your weight loss. Losing 50lbs is no small achievement (I've been there & it takes hard, hard work!)

2nd - Please hang out with your friend! We humans are all our own worst critics. I'm sure that you two are going to have a blast

3rd - Weight loss journeys can be an emotional rollercoaster. One day you can be proud of your progress & then the next day beat yourself up about how it just isn't happening fast enough (how did I let myself get here before I did something about it, blah, blah, blah & etc...) It's a mentally & physically hard process, but it can also be very rewarding

4th - It's important to practice self care during your journey & reward yourself. Many people choose to celebrate for SV (Scale Victories - Physical Weight loss) & NSV (Non Scale Victories - ie - celebrate for hitting your caloric goals for 2 weeks, or maybe you didn't lose any weight on the scale but your pants are feeling looser, etc...) Many people reward themselves by heading to the thrift store to get a new pair of jeans or treating themselves to a movie. Just something small to acknowledge your hard work

Ultimately, you're doing a great job OP & you are not deformed! Please go see your friend. Sometimes a night out with someone that you care about is just the thing needed to begin to overcome a depressive episode

It's crazy to me that Once in a Lifetime came out before Hey Mickey! I've always associated that song with the mid 80s for some reason

You might want to message the mods over on one of the cat themed subreddits. They may let you crosspost this to give it more visibility &/or put you in touch with some resources concerning adoptions/foster opportunities in the area

I would suggest posting this on r/Houston as well

This reminds me of a poem by Eugene Field

Little Boy Blue

The little toy dog is covered with dust,

But sturdy and staunch he stands;

The little toy soldier is red with rust,

And his musket molds in his hands.

Time was when the little toy dog was new

And the soldier was passing fair;

And that was the time when our Little Boy Blue

Kissed them and put them there.

โ€œNow, donโ€™t you go till I come,โ€ he said,

โ€œAnd donโ€™t you make any noise!โ€

So, toddling off to his trundle-bed,

He dreamed of the pretty toys;

And as he was dreaming, an angel song

Awakened our Little Boy Blue โ€”

Oh! the years are many, the years are long,

But the little toy friends are true!

Aye, faithful to Little Boy Blue they stand,

Each in the same old place โ€”

Awaiting the touch of a little hand,

And the smile of a little face;

And they wonder, as waiting these long years through

In the dust of that little chair,

What has become of our Little Boy Blue

Since he kissed them and put them there.

ETA: I clearly made a formatting mistake here, but I have no idea how to fix it. Any suggestions or guidance would be welcome :)

Their smiles look almost identical in this photo

People did the same thing when I was at Jimmy Buffett! I wasn't smoking myself, but it didn't bother me one bit! It's to be expected ffs ๐Ÿ˜‚

Yep. In the Houston show she dry humped a pillow & mimicked achieving orgasm. Immediately after "climaxing" she went directly into Like a Prayer! It was an awesome transition ๐Ÿ˜‚

I was in fifth grade, I had seats in the fifth row & I was there with my parents! They were huge Madonna fans, & they were very aware that the show was going to have mature themes, and they loved it! My dad said that it was the one of the best live shows that he's seen - second only to Tina Turner! (He saw her in Vegas on a small stage in a casino RIGHT before she made her big comeback in the 80s!)

Same! It's definitely less obvious than Billy Idol's Dancing with Myself, Bryan Adam's Summer of 69, or just about anything by Prince. I love it ๐Ÿ˜‚

I'd bet dollars to donuts that you looked much better in your inexpensive dress than SQ did in her Fashion Nova ensemble ๐Ÿ˜‚

Team inexpensive & unconventional dress ftw! I chose a Calvin Klein champagne colored wedding dress that was supposed to be $140 on clearance. When I got to the register it rang up a $14.99! I was so stoked & I've been able to wear it about 6-7 times since my big day :)

It doesn't look good on the model either, but it looks 1000 times better on her than SQ. She could have, or should have rather, taken that garment to be altered by a seamstress or tailor to have it fitted properly. It wouldn't have taken the person making the alterations more than an hour or two, maximum, to have that dress properly fitted & it probably wouldn't cost more than $20-$30 given that the alterations wouldn't be too complicated. That dress just hung on her like a loose potato sack, it was awful

If I was going to be participating in such an important occasion, that is surrounded by photographers, I would at least put in SOME effort to look my best by wearing a well fitted garment (& in SQ's case - neutral colored underwear.) A good tailor or seamstress can work wonders

These two are such fuckin ferals man...

I leave my pizza dough to rise in the fridge for 72 hours minimum before cooking. I've gone as far a seven days & it tasted very similar to sourdough pizza crust. Typically, if there isn't any visible mold or discoloration, it should be fine to eat


Ralph Steadman just dropped this piece on Twitter! I'm totally getting it framed for my MIL ๐Ÿคฃ

Mine is 19. He's not a fan of Nirvana (he prefers Soundgarden & Alice in Chains.) He absolutely loves The Cure, New Order, & The Smiths + much, much more. He can be an asshole at times but he has impeccable taste in music

I'm still cooler than him though ๐Ÿ˜Ž

One could hope, right? I think that the people that typically don't vote, some would say "apathetic voters," are truly the ones that we need to sway. Is 34 felonies enough to get them out to the voting booth? Idk, but I certainly fucking hope so

I know that the term "pick me" is heavily used nowadays, but that describes OM to a T IMHO

I also wish her a speedy recovery regarding her continued health issues. I'm not crazy about her, but Cancer is a nightmare & I would never wish that anyone

ETA: Her son Malcolm is friggin adorable