Thanks you're right. English isn't my first language. I'm an ex Muslim from the Middle East

The pro Palestine movement is the new Westboro Baptists. They think their cause is so righteous that they are 100% justified in doing everything possible to hinder the lives of their fellow Americans.

That's why they protest cancer hospitals , and interrupt peoples graduation  and stop people from voting  and block bridges, disrupt traffic, demand an Islamic Caliphate  and impede people from moving on campus.

No one else does this. 30% of Americans think abortion is murder. That means they think nearly a million American babies are "genocided" every year. There are a hundred million people who believe that abortion is murder.

Imagine if the pro life crowd did everything the pro Palestine protesters did and then when people said "hey can you move out of the road I need to get to work" they responded with sanctimonious bullshit like "oh is your work more important than dead babies".

When Israeli civilians were kidnapped thousands of Palestinians cheered  and Hamas actually had to protect the hostages  from Palestinian civilians who tried to murder them with their bare hands.

There is no data to support that Hamas are more extreme than the average Palestinian

It is not about getting people to join their side. It is about cowering people into submission - see also Charlie Hebdo, Salman Rushdie, Theo Van Gogh, or the attack in Germany yesterday

On one hand you have people that want a Global Islamic Caliphate  and on the other hand you have people that want gay people to have equal rights.

The fact that both these groups are considered part of "the left" is wild.

a person may hold beliefs that differ from yours

That is the most benign way of saying it. You can find dozens of videos of Hamas leaders saying they want a global Islamic Caliphate . They are explicit that they want Rome, and Eastern Europe and the Americas. And they are not going to stop just because you give them Palestine or Israel or whatever.

"Yeah their beliefs just slightly differ from ours" in that they want to take ove the world and we don't want them to

The United States spent 20 years and a trillion dollars in Afghanistan building infrastructure, forcing them to allow girls to go to school, and telling them not to throw gays off buildings. And after 20 years we gave up, fled back home and the Afghans immediately went back to throwing gays off buildings, banning females from going to school and selling young girls into sex slavery 

Speaking as an ex Muslim originally from the Middle East anyone who has even an ounce of understanding of the region knows that if we succeed in moving the ten million Jews in Israel to Poland or Utah and actually establish a free Palestine it will resemble Taliban ruled Afghanistan. And if/when it happens the left will stop giving a shit just like no one pays attention to Afghanistan now

Monkey in Space

And if we didn't have third world immigration Trump would have been found innocent? I'm trying to follow the logic

Monkey in Space

This dude went from being cancelled to getting Netflix specials, his own TV show, hosting SNL and appearing in a music video for one of the biggest rappers in the world.


They're marching in the streets to globalize the Intifada  and you already have social media users praising this guy 

We can't pretend to be shocked anymore

Monkey in Space

I don't even understand what sort of racist argument is he making here?

Is this a commentary on the race of the prosecutor, the judge or the jury?

What does "import the third world" mean in this context?

I'm not even being facetious. I've heard racists use that expression before but it seems like a non sequitur in this context

Yes absolutely. And it's not just random influencers. The Ayatollah of Iran is reveling in the fact that terrorist flags fly in the United States 

And just a few days ago the Ayatollah told American university students they are standing on the right side of history  and told them to study the Quran  and why wouldn't he be when you have students converting to Islam en masse 

As an ex Muslim who fled the Middle East I feel like it's coming back to my doorstep and we're just sleepwalking into it

LOL yeah right. They even removed it from the worldnews sub for not appropriate subreddit  

What you've described is globalizing the Intifada - which is also a common cause with liberals on college campuses apparently.

He's just globalizing the Intifada.

As a native Arabic speaker (ex Muslim) who follows Arab social media I don't think Western liberals understand how much they're protests have emboldened the most radical elements.

In the first few days after October 7 there was a bit of a sense (like after 9/11) that maybe things had gone too far and they needed to chill for a bit. But the reaction since then has had the opposite effect - the massive terror attack has instead lead to an embrace of many issues that Muslims care about.

Things are going to get worse

I just posted one but there are many. I am Arab (ex Muslim) and follow Arab social media. I posted this one because it has subtitles, the rest aren't useful to English social media users

Literally everything I posted are videos. Those are the first sources I found - who cares what the source is? Do you dispute the authenticity of the videos?

You can't even post it on the other freakout sub let alone get picked up in the MSM

Therewasanattempt, crazyfuckingvideos, and publicfreakout

Edit: and r/pics

I got banned from multiple subs for saying I got death threats for leaving Islam. It is very ban happy