She's actually "only" 38. She made her World Cup debut as a 17 year old though, so it makes sense that she feels older. It's absurd how good she still is, if anything she's playing even better this year than last year, although the team as a whole is playing better which helps. Her vision and technique are as good as ever, and while she's not as quick she's still pretty strong so she's hard to knock off the ball. It truly feels like she could still be a super sub at 50 if she wanted to.

:Orlando_Pride: Orlando Pride

You can foul a player after the ball is gone.

:Orlando_Pride: Orlando Pride

Banda is antsier than usual, feel like most games she holds onto the ball there and waits for teammates to catch up. Might be the pressure of playing down a player

:Orlando_Pride: Orlando Pride

Gonna be honest when they first showed it all I could see is



And I thought he was wearing a shirt that said "Bitch Pride"

:Orlando_Pride: Orlando Pride

What a stupid tackle to do on a yellow

:Orlando_Pride: Orlando Pride

I don't get why this annoys people so much, do you want an asterisk appearing in the corner saying the capacity of the stadium every time they say the word sellout.

Like it was incredibly difficult for them to get the financing to build a stadium at this size, them selling out constantly is obviously something to be proud of.

:Orlando_Pride: Orlando Pride

Kinda funny that Chawinga and Sams both wear 6. Rare to have a striker and centerback matchup share a number.

Orlando City SC :orl:

I'm confused why people are blaming the USSF in general here. Like it's not like the USSF board is getting together to decide the Olympic roster, it's decided by Marko Mitrovic the coach. If you want to blame someone, blame him.

Orlando City SC :orl:

I want my team to win. Purposefully handicapping yourself by refusing to do things like waste time or dive when the other team is willing to do so is just putting yourself at a needless disadvantage. You have to play the game as it exists, not as you wish it existed. It's up to the people who make and enforce the rules if they want to make it so those tactics no longer give an advantage.

And obviously MLS took this to heart, which is why they made these rules. But they don't exist in Concacaf play, and so that means you need to play differently.

I find it ironic that you have a lot of people who want stutter step penalties banned b/c they're unfair to the goalie, and a lot of people who hate when a player on their team does a stutter step penalty b/c they think it means they'll miss.

Going by this article, apparently he's trying to come back to MLS?

If your goal is to escape law enforcement moving to a country that has an extradition treaty with Mexico seems odd.

They can have a classic strike partnership of big man/bigger man. Or alternatively, old man/older man.

Feels like only a matter of time until they get promoted. And then she'll own a team in the top flights of the US, France and England. And honestly, I doubt she stops there. Wonder if she targets Madrid CFF in Spain.

:Orlando_Pride: Orlando Pride

To be clear, Ohanian denied that he is selling any of his shares. That's not the same as denying that Bay/Iger are buying a controlling stake.