Red is oxygenated blood going from heart to lungs to various organs (red heart, bronchial forest, organogastric system)

Blue is saline or something similar to it that likely brings various nutrients to the specialized organs and the cardiovascular system.

Green line is salt traveling from the lungs to the heart to the poorly-understood lower portions. It crossed the geothermal heart which is separated in a ‘hot/cold’ type of symbol. The green line then is likely the organism’s main method of temperature regulation

Orange is carbon and similar nutrients. Either used by the geothermal heart and secondary heart systems to continue functioning and keeping temperature regulated, or used to filter carbon materials out of the cardiovascular/thermal system.

Yellow is polyphenols: nutrients found in fruits and veggies that promote healthy growth. The sinolucent organ is not well understood outside of the lore, but it’s possibly something similar to a visual system

Purple are non-organic materials: metals and other sediment from the organism’s processing of earth matter. The Haye’s organ and exotic material isn’t understood even in lore, so it’s a mystery as to what it is, or what could be under it

Nah I got it a week ago from killing the last one under the hedge in a new game


If you’re pledging to Nurgle, even out of desperation, I imagine you’d be happy to become a plague bearer at that point, since your misery dissipates either way

They’re definitely the most annoying to fight if nothing else

Btw you should use mithridatism if you aren’t for the spiders. Stops the poison so you just have to deal with the venom

Two more actually

Well three if you’ve not gone to the pond yet


Or Aus(tralia/tria)

And the and in the brick walls surrounding the pond?

Did you get the outpost behind the garbage pile?

You look great in the dress but god damn your mans is killing it in that suit

I need a picture of him steering a ship now

Definitely the fastest way for plant fiber. The grass seeds give you grass planks though, not plant fiber

Grows grass stalks in the grow boxes. Standard growth is 3 planks per blade, getting lucky with rotten food gives you the 3 blade grass instead of 1 blade

That would’ve been really cool but also probably a monumental resource sink for the devs. Some of the bugs definitely have pretty basic ais, but if you’re just sprinting by and not thinking about it too much, they did a good job of at least making the ants and wolf spiders seem like they’ve got their own routines

It would’ve been pretty dope to kill a wolf spider to then see dozens of wolf spiderlings leaping at you

As far as their ai goes, they’ve got the most complex ai of any of the bugs already

The other stations are just as bad. Not in a “both sides same” kind of way, I mean they were purchased by a douche that heavily aligns with Fox News execs and he’s been slowly but surely pushing the other networks in the same direction

Tangent, but when my grandpa was in college he made a big pot of pasta sauce on the stove and, because he was a college student, decided to make his life a little easier and simply keep the pasta sauce cooking and adding more whenever it got low. That pot of sauce cooked for the entire school year, not once getting turned off or cleaned

Mechanics and story aren’t always connected. It’d be very poor design choice to not have materials like that replenish

Throughout the Void Fields and Petrichor, I alone am the Jumpy Boi

By having sexual intercourse with the same sex, of course

Darling, beautiful, smart, money-hungry lawyer

“Ah yes, the floor here is made of floor” - smartest LA poster