Please don’t get me wrong, I’m 100% behind Ukraine fighting a war they didn’t start. I am 100% behind their right to defend their country, and take back what Russia has taken, including Crimea, and I think in time they will. (I have a CMV on the subject)

But in the end, the guy being discussed doesn’t sound like he supports any killing, anywhere. All I am saying is he probably isn’t a good fit in the modern left or right, to keep his principles he might have to be apolitical.

I’m sort of on the other side. I grew up a car guy, working on old cars with my dad (I’m 52, and grew up in rural Texas) and I love cars, I love the sound they make. I do nearly all of our maintenance, and not for being to broke to pay someone, but because I like turning the wrenches on my cars.

I will get solar panels when I get another house, but I like steak, I like cheeseburgers, I won’t be going vegan in my life. And we have two kids.

But, that being said, we aren’t wasteful. I’m an IT professional, but my dad was an engineer and he taught me how things work, so I repair things when they break. I have a big screen TV in the bedroom that broke on us like eight years ago, and I found the power board that failed and replaced it. Instead of being in a landfill, it is still doing its job.

So while I think the green new deal is a joke, I support clean energy and making the planet a cleaner place. (Which I think will require nuclear to bridge the gap between the fossil fuels we need to stop using, and the renewables that can’t carry the load yet)

No, it isn’t to the same thing, if you think so I suspect you know less about the 2025 BS than Trump does.

And I’m sure people in his camp told him he needed to speak against it, and he would have read some bullet points to be able to do that.

I mean no disrespect in that, it is better for the environment to care in general than not to, but better still to practice what you preach.

I had a guy over for dinner, his wife was my wife’s friend, and they were seeing if their husbands could be friends, it didn’t work out.

He insulted my car, a Ford Mustang. (A v6 model, I get 32 mpg) I asked what he drove, and it was a Honda accord that got the same mileage my car gets.

Why didn’t he drive an EV I asked, because they cost too much and better tech was right around the corner.

Did he have solar panels on his roof I asked, as he is a home owner, no he said. Too costly, and better tech around the corner. I actually had a brochure a solar panel company had left on my door, advertising putting them up without homeowner cost, where you don’t get paid for excess power produced, but you get a power discount, and the twat then complained about the holes it would put in his shingles.

And I was the bad guy to him for driving a Mustang with a v6.

Stuff like that is what gets me, start with you. If you start with you then I start with respect for you, and that helps.

704 is not that bad, have hope. My first effort was like 690, my second like 660, and my last effort was high 700s.


If I had to choose, I would choose Yuki.

Sadly, probably not.

He is what I think most of us should aspire to, but people left and right advocate for killing in war. One side advocates for Russia killing, the other Ukraine killing. One side makes excuses for Israel killing, the other makes excuses for Hamas killing.

While the left is far better on environmentalism than the right, they don’t always apply it to themselves. How many apply their beliefs to how they themselves consume?

He certainly wouldn’t fit in the right, that is certain.

Well a Nazi isn’t necessarily a liar are they?

You can be an absolute piece of shit as a human, and tell the truth while doing it, or at least think you are.

So does this then mean that Barack Obama wants Biden to stop aid to Israel?

Because his ex-staffers said so?

Get real, we know that Trump doesn’t keep a lot of friendly ex-anything.

Former business partners sue him, former wives hate him, former friends hate him, former staffers and lawyers testify against him in court.

That former staffers are behind the 2025 nonsense means nothing regarding Trump.

Another way to put that is this:

If a surgeon loses a patient on the operating table because they made a mistake, it is possibly malpractice, and they are subject to an economic but not criminal claim. If they faced criminal claims, it would impact the surgeries they were willing to perform, as what they do carries the danger of death.

I mean why do we think dentists take you blood pressure before a cleaning, why do doctors make you do rounds of antibiotics before even a simple procedure? To mitigate the liability of an economic claim, for which they have insurance.

They need to be able to do their job without fear of being jailed for a mistake.

Or a police office, or even a soldier, they have to make split second decisions to protect lives, and those decisions can be deadly.

If a shooter has an assault rifle and has killed people, the police have to put them down or others will die, and there are times when they miss and hit innocent bystanders. There are times when they shoot the wrong people.

But the Uvalde shooting shows us that we need action, how dangerous it is when the police stand outside for more than an hour? What were they waiting for? What were they afraid of?

The President doesn’t have the benefit of waiting, or getting a good night’s sleep. They have to be able to do their job when tired, or when they have a cold.

If someone attacks us at 3am the President has to wake up, get some coffee and start making decisions.

That is not to say Presidents can’t break the law, but for some core functions they have to be able to make tough choices or all of us could be in very real danger. So some immunity is required, but not everything covered by immunity.

The military answers to civilian leadership, the President in particular. The commander in chief.

The person who would order an attack, the person who has the codes for the football, the person who is over the executive branch you speak of.

It is a big deal if that person can only function somewhat between 10am and 4pm, who now plans to go to bed at 8pm to get more sleep.

Don’t get me wrong, Biden can’t do the job anymore, and a man not much younger with a terrible lifestyle who is obese has no business in the job either.

Just saying it’s a big deal that Biden can’t mentally do the job.

I have, it is nonsense pushed by a fringe group that includes nobody in elected office or running for office.

Ronald Reagan :Reagan:

You know what Gore did, he tried to selectively recount, with the intention of winning. Had they treated all ballots equally there wouldn’t have been a problem, but Gore also would not have come close to winning.

And no other cases have needed it, as nobody else has tried to cheat in that way.

Again, I don’t dispute democrats and republicans are both power hungry by nature, but at this point it is king the left pushing 2025, it is a fringe work of fantasy left is trying to use to win an election they are polling terribly in.

Ronald Reagan :Reagan:

You need to get some fresh air.

Fire was wrong in 2000, and the scotus got it right. Al Gore tried to cheat to win and failed.

And you really don’t know what you don’t know.

Presidents get reports like that every day, but what can they do?

There was no predicting the attack that happened because it had never been done before. Reports of hijacking to that point meant negotiations for passengers, not planes used as bombs.

And even if it could have been predicted, it could not have been prevented. You are in a fantasy world there.

If you managed to go full on TSA and went full pat downs and metal detectors, and also racial profiling, all you do is find 5,000 items that morning that could be weapons, and you have nothing to hold the suspects on.

The attacks don’t happen, the President gets voted out, having been the overly reactionary moron who killed our economy, and the terrorists try it again when the heat dies down.

This should also be in the Idiocracy sub.

I mean we homeschooled our kids, (my son is going to a public high school soon) but my wife is college educated and was on a path to be a school teacher. Our kids are ahead of where they should be against where public school curriculum is.

But how stupid can people be?

Not at present, but you do need a class in it. Educate yourself, discussions will be less embarrassing for you if you do.

That makes me sad. When socialists answer to the last line of the fifth amendment blocking socialism that “laws can change”. Well the ground under their feet will turn into marshmallows first. Or simply won’t happen :)

I think civics class is failing our young.

Just bear in mind the mindset of China.

This isn’t a move like Russia and Ukraine, China does the math. They tend to be calculating, and I think if the math doesn’t show a clear gain they don’t attack.

And they know that a full military blockade could lead to famine in China in less than a year. They know they import food making products and energy, and they know they can’t stop a blockade in the Malacca strait.

And I’m sure you heard of the corruption in their rocket force, where rockets were found to be led with water? I don’t think they will be ready by 2029 :)

What Biden impeachment? It was a stupid idea from the start, and it was pretty fringe as well.

Seriously though, you need a civics class if you think the constitution will be changed anytime soon.

Do you think this makes an invasion more likely?

I don’t think so, certainly not in the short term. Just in terms of being militarily prepared, China’s rocket force is not in a good place, they aren’t prepared to project naval power to try and beat a blockade (they import a massive amount of energy and most of the material used to grow food, a blockade would wreck them) and they still have to cover 100 miles of water.

And with all of that, China still probably can’t expect to take the manufacturing they want, as the facilities would be destroyed in the battle to take Taiwan.

Man, at least for a while we were getting close to $1 a round for 9mm here in the states, it’s rough.

I’m going to end up reloading.

Do you know how the process works? If not, 2/3 of the house and senate and 3/4 of the states agreeing on something.

Right now that is impossible, completely off the table.

You might not like what the scotus is doing, but for everything you don’t like, there is a person on the other side who does like it. And what you are taking about is fringe, which is what AOC is.