My depression is tied to elderly care. When brothers take disabled parent for a month joy and energy return.

Geas. It has no real power in combat but is wonderful for RP power plays. My DM has had people suicide based on misunderstanding as well as bravery, but it is great to force the hands of NPCs.

lol "bitchboy" is lying the term has existed for more than a decade starting out with superficial support for women / breast cancer used for advertising.

The fact your link needs the (LGBT) addition is a clear sign it is not the origins of the term.

It has had a wikipedia page going back to 2010 for its common usage.

Elysium worked so well for the story because they were truly out of reach. Elon may make it to mars with murder bots enforcing his will on earth, but my guess is mass unemployment creates more of a Reign of Terror France.

Being the "ruling class" with 30-50% unemployment is dangerous.

Once you are past 10% unemployment the chances of civil war starts going up. I imagine by 30% we will start seeing assassinations and the like happening frequently.

Nope. The cheapest ride is $22. A 275% markup.

I live in Boston and 90% of my uber rides are 5 min waits with 10 min rides. Your prices are a bit off or rush hour.

I just took an uber home today $8.86, yesterday $9.97, day before $6.47. The drivers certainly survive on tips, but Uber isn't doing what you claim.

As a tourist it is just like visiting mainland China. If you have any reason to not fly into Beijing don't fly to HK. They may not let you in the country if you were ever outspoken about things going on in China or have a friend who was. If someone in your family are wanted by China they are not above charging you you to get to them.

Public dissent is outlawed for a while now. People can be abducted off the streets and taken to reeducation centers. The normal fun Chinese stuff. No social credit system yet.

Like everywhere, most people are just surviving in the system they were born into, but I see disposable income as supporting those governments.

I am a big fan of his goal but think his rules go overboard. A short campaign can work with his rules. I wouldn't want to play a long one with them.

I personally like banning full caster classes and calling it a day if I want a long term lower power fantasy. People act like I am crazy but it works wonderfully for mid and high level play. Level 12 still plays like lvl 5. Everyone levels and everyone grows, but no one breaks the game. Even level 20 feels like a nice balanced capstone in power level.

Parties are never teleport junkies in hyper deadly fights. Party can never just spam out dispel, mind control, revives, insane nova, etc. Full martials never feel like the unwanted step child watching the real PCs play.

This is why religion exists. This is also why there are so many charlatans in funny religious hats.

You can trick or cheat a religious person.

You can not debate a religious person.

Learn to use their own texts against them when they use it to back stupid shit. Make it an interpretation issue. This is the only debate they are willing to have.


The administrations are so vastly different I think everyone has their minds made up, even when their choice is based on repeatedly disproved lies. I have never been so apathetic about the candidates themselves. 70+ year olds shouldn't be allowed to run.

I made a pretty evil "druid" who is more or less a circus tamer of spirits (Where does a tamer become a slaver?) He hopes to create an economic and military revolution by harnessing the power of spirits for improving humanoid life.

He would honestly be a great BBEG, but I don't DM.

Microsoft needs more data to feed their pet AI. Thank you for volunteering everything you have.

Even without the hands we are going to be burning through 20% of jobs before we even consider addressing the problem.

The worst part in my eyes is the likelihood the technology ends up in the hands of a few only controlling everything. Instead of the explosion of art we saw with photoshop and the like we will see a few new billionaires using AI to sue everyone who even tries to compete.