I'm talking about how companies are being two-face when they do promote them but yet do anti-consumer things to gamers that makes them look hypocritical to younger people.

That's capitalism! Act shitty for profit maximization, virtue signal to minimize blowback. If it's not woke-capitalism virtue signaling then it's God-and-patriotism virtue signaling.

They just don't want to see black people, and are upset because they are in denial about their racism.

Huge missed opportunity for ceiling cat. Still great though.

Seriously. I don't think Bill is dumb. Ignorant, but not dumb.

Pontificating about how bad the decision is doesn't solve anything here.

How can a problem be addressed if we cannot talk about it? Today, we should eat the hot dog. Tomorrow we must improve our diet or we will surely die.

Sounds like one of those 'dollar baby' projects. I hope so, it's good material for low-budget filmmaking.

Chemotherapy can end the threat of cancer. Biden can't end the threat of people like Trump. I want people to understand that Trump is the result of a political situation that Biden probably couldn't fix even if he wanted to. I want Biden to beat Trump, but we cannot consider his winning victory. It would buy us some time though.


George would be an absolute fool to have any regrets about how the adaptation turned out. Success is not guaranteed, they made a show that was better than anyone could reasonably expect.

When my choices are a day-old hotdog that’s been lying on the street, or a bucket of diarrhea with glass shards in it, I have to insist that the situation that lead to this choice is unacceptable.

I'll put it plainly, if Biden wins, he will not protect us from the Nazis in our country. We have to point out that even though Trump is worse, Biden is poison. If we cannot do better, we die nonetheless.

By trying to be hopeful. By trying not to worry that it won't be enough.

Index/Ring. And ditto for 3 string power chords.


I also agree with the GRRM quote. What I disagree with is in the title - 'shouldn’t make the story your own'. I see that a wish to stop projects before they start.

Democracy is alive and well in America

Too soon to declare victory. We'll see where we are at after the election. I'm crossing my fingers that Trump will drop dead before November. It's the only way to be sure.

Colonel was the highest rank Lee achieved in the US Army. Lee was only deemed a general by an army of traitors.

Don't forget enabler of fascism and front-runner.

:pearson: Pearson

I don't know but that screenshot sounds amazing.

What does abortion after birth mean? It means that the birth has already occurred, but a procedure must be performed to remove leftover tissue from the birth. I support abortion after birth, and I think everyone should. I don't support infanticide after birth, and I've never heard of someone who does.