I always wonder how the hell anyone would support Trump. Then someone like OP shows up and I realize that they are so oblivious and gullible they believe anything that fat orange turd says.

Every bullet point is a direct Republican belief. They cut taxes for the rich and big corporations, while increasing them for the middle and lower classes.

They want him to drop out and leave the Democratic Party in shambles scrambling to find a new candidate. It would be like firing a head coach a week before a new season starts. You either elevate the assistant (Harris) or start all over in search of a new one.

They don't believe anyone would vote for a black woman over their orange Jesus. Even though I guarantee if Michelle Obama were to run she would absolutely destroy Trump.

Space apart is just as important as being together.

You can love a person more than anything, but you don't need to be with them or talk to them every second of the day. You are still individuals with different hobbies, friends and interests.

Politicians should be banned from the stock market. Just like athletes are banned from betting on sports.

Having said that...most major tech stocks have skyrocketed over the past few years. Especially Meta, Google and Nvidia. Those have been my biggest returns by far.

Didn't Trump have a bunch of random emergency hospital visits during his presidency? All of which were just claimed to be routine physicals or some other bullshit.

Biden is older by a few years but I'd take his health over that fat piece of shit any day.

This is what I have been saying constantly.

Trump got elected and filled the White House and cabinet with his family, extreme conservatives, corrupt racists, and whoever else he wanted. People who were completely unqualified, were fired the second they disagreed with him or quit because they realized he was insane and had no idea what he was doing.

How many Bidens are working in the White House right now? Are any of them top advisors? How many cabinet members did he hire that were unqualified? How many did he fire?

The only knock on Joe is that he is old. So what? He has a strong team around him. Which is more than I can say for the other old guy.

"Never met him before, but I wish him well"

You could literally replace that with any quote from Trump and I'd respond with the same answer...No I don't believe him.

The best part is that those "tax cuts" they promise are always for the wealthy. You know, the only people who benefitted from Trump being in office.

I do remember Biden trying to implement child tax credits, housing credits, student loan relief, inflation reduction and other legislation to help the middle and lower classes. Almost all of which were blocked immediately by Republicans.

Pretty sure Biden has never told people to inject themselves with bleach, shine light inside their body, ignore a deadly pandemic, deny the results of a legitimate election, instruct a cult to attack the Capitol Building or repeatedly gone on stage to ramble like a crazy person about sharks, getting electrocuted by boats, post birth abortions, windmills causing cancer, raking leaves to prevent forest fires, brag about his fake golf scores and lie about practically everything.

Because that would be crazy right? Seems like someone who does that would be old and senile.

My theory has always been that these people blame everyone for their shitty lives. Mostly the government, but also minorities, immigrants, or whoever else they hate. They think the whole system is rigged against them. Trump hates the same people and they believe someone who's not a politician will fix their problems. If not at least he'll make everyone else miserable too. So when Trump claims that something in the government is rigged against him of course they believe him. Why not? It's what they have been saying their whole lives.

The first time I took my wife golfing it went just like this. She insisted on counting every single stroke and didn't understand why we had to keep letting people play through.

We only do scrambles now 😂

He can say and do whatever the fuck he wants. People are used to him lying and doing stupid shit they just ignore it now. It's been normalized. Nobody has ever held him accountable his entire life. Why start now?

Why because Biden is old? Guess what Trump is old too. On top of being a rapist, convicted felon and a failure as president that already fucked up our country once.

Imagine being this delusional.

Trump and his idiot family made billions off his presidency.

He should just pull a Trump and lie. Deny any criticism and just say it was the best debate performance ever.

That's just it. Unlike the other side Democrats accept election results.

Honestly his answer is absolutely fine for me.

If Trump wins in November this country is beyond saving. It means that more than half of the people who live here are completely okay voting for a rapist, racist, convicted felon. If that's the case no candidate is going to sway their vote.

There are literally videos, photos, flight logs, lawsuits and now phone logs of Trump's involvement with Epstein. Videos and photos of Trump speaking at Heritage Foundation events and meeting with Project 2025 people.

Yet he denies it and people believe him. Makes absolutely no sense.

Oceans 11 is still one of my favorite all-time heist movies. The first time I saw it my mind was blown. 12 was meh and thankfully 13 was closer to the first one.