Honestly. I don’t understand how this. One propaganda campaign is “accept trans people and their gender identity.” Yet identifying as any race other than the one they were born as is appropriation. It’s an odd world.

Anyone that has this shirt AND “Eat.Pray.Love” on a coffee mug is a member of the band wagon army. No real care except for what’s popular and what will make them seem likeable for the ‘gram.

🦍 Buckle Up 🚀

We bet $1 that apes could rich while at the same time sending SHFs into the poor house. Looking good Deep Fucking Value!

Looks like 4th of July to me. Happy Gmerica day

🦍 Buckle Up 🚀


very important to follow step number 1, OP.
Repeat as needed.

And it won't be televised

Prolly will tho

Holy moly is that a hell boy golden army action figure?

🦍 Buckle Up 🚀

what really goin on here in this vid?
I get the joke. That Cramer is powder bear but, what is this?

Don’t forget the highest percent of men and women in prisoner per population capita. Oh and defense spending, which last I checked was higher than the top 26 countries combined (13 of which are allies.)

Hey man: I found you on the wood working sub reddit. Love your diy corner. If you’re still taking app requests, I have an idea. Do you remember those old digital pets, the tamagotchis? Why do you think there’s not a mobile app game based off this concept? Also teach me your ways in working the wood .:)

🦍 Buckle Up 🚀

True. However no one wants to move a stone and get bitten by anything that might be under neath. 🐍

🦍 Buckle Up 🚀

In what universe is GameStop losing money? I’m not new to seeing mud slinging hit pieces about the GME. This is a new level of bs

Ok real talk. No way this sock puppet of propaganda actually posted this. Right?

🦍 Buckle Up 🚀

Right, and that’s just in Passive income generation. Big if since RC has been approved to use GameStop’s war chest of the 4 billion to invest in whatever you f’in wants.


🦍 Buckle Up 🚀

Max conservative. With only putting that 4 billy in something as safe a regular high yield savings account of 5% there 50 million each quarter.

I’m sure some silver back here has posted this before. However, on that subject there must be an account or some investment Opportunity that RC is considering that will make that 5% ROI as chimp* change.