Im not privvy to how up to date Taiwans reactors are, but modern facility designs are basically designed at worst, to be collapsed and act as a tomb or a cap after a disaster, at best, withstand hell on earth for a sustained period of time in the event of a war or military strike.

The facility in Ukraine is... oldish i think if im remembering right, and its taken quite a beating over the years with no major incidents.

Sanctions are supposed to piss pff enough citizens to rally against Putin and is just another lever of pressure, that’s it.

the idea of Sanctions falls flat on its face though when the country in question has unironically been under Sanctions (to varying degrees) for so long that Squalor and poverty has just become as natural as breathing to them.

When Putin said the average russian doesn't give a shit because the byproducts of sanctions are just an everyday part of life, he was correct.

Note i said average. The citizens living in St petersburg or Moscow aren't "average russians" they are effectively the upper middle class-wealthy citizens in comparison to the true middle class of russians.

And the citizens in those respective cities largely have their silence bought out. Because if they speak out, at best they lose their jobs and have to join the impoverished. At worst they get sent to the front.

NK isn't sending stuff with China's orders. Its sending it with China's closeted blessing.

Anything that puts NK to work and can keep them from being a problem for china is something China will happily allow.

China absolutely isn't sending them stuff, working as a forest maybe and having stuff "get moved through them without them realizing" but China itself isn't sending them gear.

China doesn't want any of the complaining and bitching from NATO countries, nor the sanctions that come with the territory.

Likewise, NATO countries, specifically the US don't actually want to sanction china (meaningfully) because that means the already big inflation problems in the US, suddenly gets a hell of a lot worse as the value of all goods go skyhigh, and not because of inflation this time.

If Russia is getting goods "from china" its from China's blessing. Not from the CCP. All the dogshit goods they are getting are from NK.

The chips they are getting probably are just straight up CHinese chips. But China's microchips are so bad that the US/DoD probably isn't even interested in slapping china's wrist over it, its genuinely that bad how high their failure rate is. And combined with Russia's hilariously high inaccuracy/fail rate with rockets as is.

Every BBC story has been the same story about how Ukraine is losing territory for years, i go to look up the live map the ukrainians use and front line has barely changed lol

Its technically true though.

Its by inches or at worst a mile per day though. But its back and forth. Trench warfare tends to not move very far unless a line is full stop broken. Which is very hard to do either way.

Isn't it like really difficult to look for keyloggers on your system?

Doubly so to remove them because Antivirus/antimalwares aren't exactly capable of examining the tiny brain's inside of your keyboard/mouse.

its just a long and overcomplicated way of say "China's trying to worm its way into high ranking government or business within the states again"

Foulk actually told his ranger buddies to avoid hitting anybody to avoid being sued.

Wasn't to avoid being sued. It was to avoid giving the Police a reason to start an unwinnable (for the police) shootout with the rangers.

Theres a reason why once the squad car pulled up, Foulk himself chucked his rifle on the ground and laid face down with his hands behind his head before the cruisers door even opened. Same for his buddies.

There were rumors of a potential fatality, but it was never pinned on Foulk and the boys. A lot of the people who went on the hospital claimed all their gunshot wounds were from turf disputes or other gang beefs.

They didn't shoot to kill from what the Rangers said.

They had a lot of little holes to shoot out from, and many of the gangsters never saw the shooters. Bill himself was the only ranger in any real danger during the entire conflict. Everyone else was in a darkened room or behind cover where all that could be seen were muzzle flashes.

They could have very easily picked the gangbangers off like spring chickens if they wanted, since it wasn't until the cars started looking like Swiss cheese, or their guns jammed that the gangbangers didn't start taking cover and running for the hills.

I mean. Holding IP's 'hostage' (really just rainy day bartering chips) is not all that uncommon ingames industry.

Koonami still infamously holds MGS IP hostage because they know sony likes free money. And if sony wants to buy MGS and give it to Kojimbo, they'd have to fork over a cool several bil for the IP. way more then it'd ever be worth. and practically impossible to recoup.

In the case of American McGee's alice, EA isn't holding it hostage to be petty, they are holding it hostage incase they want to chuck it into a package deal of sorts, or if they need extra cash for a rainy day, or project down the line.

Teams under EA's umbrella are free to pick up the IP if they want to afaik. but they aren't because historically speaking, American McGee's alice didn't sell units. It sold well enough to not get persuade EA bosses it needed to be shoved off to a landfill.

reddit cried and shook its rattle demanding Local servers only.

This is BSG giving reddit exactly what they wanted.

Players finally being forced to acknowledge that most of their demands are stupid, even if admittedly BSG's idea's are often times 2x worse.

Meaningful Optimization in this case would be impossible.

They'd have to rewrite the entire code for AI and BSG is unwilling to do that.

Vast majority of AI scripting is always in the "idle roaming" mode, and the lack of players reduces entities on the map.

Loot has negligible impact on the game. Though the spawning and logic is inefficient still but again, negligible.

Players always had some level of impact on server performance as we saw with older days in tarkov where you could reliably guess how many players were left on the map due to looking at some server stats degrade over time as players left the map.

The server also likely has a rare opportunity to utilize culling correctly, since theres no players running around forcing unity to load the entire map without proper culling being used.

I don't get why people were saying that the update wasn't going to affect performance.

Redditors are stupid. more at 5

Servers not being opt-in for solo is fucking stupid.

Redditors were Demanding this be exclusive to self hosting. BSG even warned people (albiet not directly) that, that wasn't going to go well. It was one of the rare instances where nikita wasn't full of shit.

Tarkov always played splits with the Scav AI load. The tarkov community that wasn't completely tech illiterate just didn't know how much the load was split. and assumed it was either fair, or something like 30:70 server to user

Turns out its pretty heavily loaded on the servers CPU. This is why people can get 120+ FPS turns out.

People who were warning this wasn't gonna end well got downvote nuked. Now we are here, the day or day after of the patch and low and behold. The people warning everyone were right all along.

Not... quite

they still simulate everything on the map, but they do it in much more vague/broader strikes then what ETF does.

ETF demands for the sake of simulation (likely just a unity quirk) that every drop of cum smeared over your faceshield be rendered and simulated at all times on the map unless the objects been thrown on the ground. Then thats swapped for something much lower detail.

Games like PUBG back in the day (im not sure about now) still renders every player on the map and accurately tracks their data at all time, but all other aspects of the game are low LOD/render until they enter close-ish range view. then the detail starts scaling up.

People have also ripped and viewed models for ETF weapons and armor in map editors. Theres a lot of excess detail, fat, and bloat that could easily be trimmed off but BSG simply doesnt. Not a big performance save, but an optimization nonetheless.

In the case of scavs, they are just full stop running their full scripting and being fully loaded on the map at all times.

Sheever Feelsbadman :gun:

Its really baffling too, because Stickers and funny shit like that was huge in counterstrike. But they somehow managed to fuck that up spectacularly in dota too.

Stickers sucked ass and nobody cares about them except for the highest level of fans.

Sheever Feelsbadman :gun:

I mean. Not really.

the reality is they wanted to experiment to see if they could "spread the wealth" to the rest of the dota circuit. Because valve finally saw the writing on the wall and realized dota was either gonna go down a really dark path and die over a prolonged period of time, or die basically immediately because there was already rumors that TO's were going to die or pull out of dota because they were sick of making approximately zero money from hosting dota events.

The experiment failed in spectacular fashion, and now we see valve just raising their hands up in defeat. Its all crypto and saudi money now. That's all dota will ever amount to. Especially since Overwatch 3 Valorant 2 is on the horizon.

Sheever Feelsbadman :gun:

a lot of pros prefer winning the championship to the money, not all but quin and others were talking about it recently.

Theres a difference between being Arteezy and winning no lans, and being Ixmike88 and winning no lans.

winning championships or placing fairly high is nice, but considering the writing is on the wall for dota, and the moneys pulling out, outside of crypto gambling and saudi money laundering schemes dota is effectively circling the drain.

This TI, whether people want to believe it or not is the death throes.

big chinese orgs pulling out a few years back outside of buying nameless superstacks at the last second was the theoretical canary in the mine.

People are willing to play for pennies when its purely for passion and thats fine. But you turn 2....4? get a girlfriend, get an apartment? Suddenly reality kicks in the door and passion doesn't pay the utilities.

Its not that its more popular then they think. It basically allows them to retain more players on their servers, and overall boosts sales. Which is a good thing considering the rumors twitchcon(s) basically caused them to go into the red over arena.

Its also giving them an out to try and stem the hemmoraging from ill eagle tarky basically sucking up 10-30% of their playerbase. They aren't getting those players back, but the push for having offline PvE is stemming the flow and its pretty obvious that its doing some heavy lifting.

Confirms the theory floating around (why this is a theory, i have no idea, the reasoning should be obvious) that the game play splitsies with scav AI, having the server basically offloading half or greater of the scripting load with scavs.

I can see Lighthouse running....... very poorly for most machines on PvE and i'll be the first to call that.

But Streets was already pushing the engine to its limit. I don't think mid end machines could possible tolerate streets and the CPU boulder that is scav scripting.

? A 2008 game in L4D2 of all games is biting at their heels in concurrent players.

L4d2 enjoys a modding scene. Helldivers 2 currently does not.

Stardew valley is casual comfort gaming

Sheever Feelsbadman :gun:

to me its extremely clear that valve wants to force rightclicker veno core, similar to what they have been doing to silencer in the last 4-5 years.

Not really. The intention of Plague carrier was to give veno the ability to "flash farm" or be able to defend himself with the plague wards if he gets jumped by someone.

Silencer right click was valve having no clue what to do with him after making him dramatically worse as a hero (with the exception of the anti dispel facet)

Sheever Feelsbadman :gun:

We still rolling the boulder up the hill regarding Chen + Pudge hook huh?

IO + Magnus was the real exploit. Chen + Pudge was left in from dota 1 and sanctioned by valve up until loda threw a tantrum over it.

I mean to be fair, Indie gaming is just the same rat race but even more oppressive if you already didn't have a name for yourself, and different flavor.

For every Stardew valley, we have 400 awful terraria clones. For every Terraria, we had a thousand awful minecraft clones. and the list goes on.

Indie guys have a wider farm to frolic in, but indie is even more cutthroat then "main" gaming.

Only terrible greedy people would let themselves be bribed when they're already head of fucking Valve.

You people really don't really know how to separate Apathy from goodwilled.

If this was the valve of the golden days, oh it'd 100% be good will. Good guy gabe.

But after 2015, its not really much goodwill anymore that saves Valve from being sold off to the highest bidder. Its just Apathy from gabe newell. Valve from 2014-2024 has just been a country club for the most part just coasting off life from the income generated by steam.

The current person running the show is his son. If hes the next in line, hes already seen the paperwork of Microsoft lowballing the fuck out of Valve. ($20B) Hes 100% gonna take the next offer they make. Not out of greed, but because it'll be more money then he personally will ever see in his life.

They "could" shut steam down, but pc gamers have access to files. So everyone would soon just be downloading copies of games they brought, or cracked exe files to bypass steam

Valve is capable of live bricking your account and forcing you to sign out.

While i don't think this currently allows them to forcefully uninstall files from your computer as of yet. as far as test branches of games are concerned, valve can very easily sneakily force an update in the background that bricks/corrupts/encrypts everything in the install path for your steam games.

That also said, if a publisher for example revokes access to you game key, the update is pushed immediately past download filters in steam. You do not have a choice to delay that.

It is not hard for valve to force you to lose access to your games. The technology is there, publishers very frequently use the technology.