If you reach out to the GJPD they can answer all of those questions and absolutely put you in touch with officers who can also help answer questions.

Does anyone else find the background music incredibly distracting?!

What about Whitewater? Our internet is barely better than early 2000’s dial up 🥴🥴

It’s gotta be her friends vocal fry. They all run for the hills after being interrogated by her!!

Obviously but it makes more sense to go in order of age when listing a family.

How can I get out of a three month online weight loss membership?

I signed up for Sequence. They claim to be able to prescribe weight loss medications. It was one month free and then $99 per month. I had to sign up for a three month membership. What they claimed and what they provided were two different things. They take 2-3 days to respond to even the most basic question. They only submit pre approval to insurance one medication at a time so that process took weeks. The only medication approved by insurance is back ordered until what seems like the end of time. So really they make these big claims but can’t help get insurance to approve meds and when a med is approved, they say oh sorry, it’s back ordered. Can I tell my bank not to approve the automatic withdrawals based on failure to provide a service? If I cancel my card, can/will they come after me for the two month membership fee? Any other advice or suggestions?


Miley Cyrus. She sounds like she has peanut butter in her mouth at all times.

She looks so out of breath like she just walked up a flight of stairs and she’s just sitting there. Yikes.

That is literally where any missing person/runaway is entered despite circumstances. If they are reported they get entered. It’s not indicative of “seriousness.”

This all sounds so familiar in my 15 year old daughter who we are constantly trying to find help and treatment for. I’ve practically had to beg for an adhd diagnosis but even then they won’t take it seriously or treat it. They threw some drugs at her that didn’t work and have sort of given up. She is on Zoloft for depression and that seems to help but the executive functioning, the iceberg affect of having too much on her plate, and the lack of interest in ANYTHING is ever present.

Any advice from someone who has experienced this awful combination and found something that helps both? I’m at such a loss and it breaks my heart for her.

A Smokin Oak Pizza. Which in my opinion lost its luster pretty quickly the way they skimp on toppings for such pricey pizza!

If you’ve been dating 10 years, why is she just now meeting your “friends”?!?

The narrative of them going to California to buy weed is so ridiculous. There are so many states closer to them where the could go.

How long do you spend and what type of workouts do you do in the FX Zone?

Any of the moves that are supposed to have the bands across the back of your arms, I just use the backpack move up over my shoulders and that fixes that issue!

Somebody asked for advice so I gave my advice. I didn’t make a post complaining or asking for advice myself. I don’t know why you’re arguing with me. If they don’t won’t to take my advice they don’t have to but they’re the one who sought it.