
Thank you from the bottom of my heart!! Your game was a masterpiece and I have no doubt the next game will be even better. Can't wait for 2027!! :D

I'm just going to hibernate until then 🥲

Any plans for a sequel?

With the death of both Deus Ex and Arkane Austin, the genre seems like it's almost dead in the "quality games" space. The other part of Arkane is also working on a third person game, and Cruelty Squad's dev is doing a mech shooter. Otherside E isn't giving us any updates and may take years. Other devs / Indie studios are not really reliable.

So please can you make a sequel and revive the genre?:) If you're already working on a sequel, how long will it take you?

I don't want to make it sound like it's up to you to save the world .... but it kinda is 😂🥲

The jobless retard is at it again haha. I'm surprised your little mommy is still providing for you!!


ville kallio (@villecallio) • Instagram photos and videos

Weird Digital Drawings by Ville Kallioarthaus (

Not one of the pictures here is remotely pixelated - he just cheaped out on the game for quick cash or he's just too incompetent to make the game match his art

Unaesthetic things have no art style. They're just junk

You must have nothing better to do in life... literal piece of shit

Get off your high horse. You're too stuck up your own ass to be calling others names lol

Yeah well if you're not perfect then shut the fuck up and work on yourself instead of being overly eager to talk shit

Same - they're fine in a lot of places.

It's only when I entered the special swamp level that I realized the asshole really cheaped out

There's nothing "weird" about a bunch of pixels lazily crammed together. This would be called a weird game: 464370-1.jpg (1000×563) ( 

or this: img-1884-png-1482163803.png (360×640) ( 

lol you can't get more basic than literal squares, because they are the most basic element in graphics. Stop trying to excuse the despicable state of this game's visuals in some places. The dev could have worked a bit more instead of looking for a quick buck

Inconsistent/broken gameplay and going against the normal aesthetic are all things many games do.... but it's the pixels which make it look like a special kind of steaming pile of shit.

Did the developer not want people to play the game? lol. Do you really think that??? It's just pure laziness and incompetence.

The dev probably didn't want to spend time making the visuals... so crammed a bunch of massive pixels as walls.

Also I never said the "game" wasn't for me - it's an Im Sim. But the atrocious visual design is pathetic on the dev's part. He could have worked for a few more hours


Take a look at this pic - these are the walls of a pretty big area we have to go through

MinerBouncy_InEditor.png (1069×809) (

I'd like to believe the dev was in poverty rather than that he actually wanted to make something so utterly basic and shitty

I don't think overly pixelated to the point of ugly is even a style or an aesthetic. The style could be the same... if only it was smoother/less full of ugly block pixels it'd be easier to look at

Since when did "weird" and fucked up become synonyms for ugly, shitty and overly pixelated?

Unless they have actual Im Sim elements that's going to be the case.

Cutscenes have nothing to do with immersive sims specifically. Ice powers existed in that FPS Bioshock too.

Not really. It's just an isometric shooter with Im Sim elements - not an actual Immersive Sim.

Anyone else feel like vomiting while playing Cruelty Squad?

Maybe it's just me, but the walls and terrain just seem terribly lazy. Despite the resolution and modern technology, some of this world looks worse than an early 1980s game - and the way it's been designed makes it look so freaking ugly


Some of the terrain also looks like it was made to induce seizures


I can understand the dev not having enough resources to make it look decent, but CTRL ALT EGO was also made by 2 people and that looked great. Was the developer's financial situation really bad?

Also for the second picture - why were such poor design choices made?


The creators of Im Sims have themselves stated that it's about mechanics too. Don't make idiotic statements and present them as facts.

As for values, there are way more options to play. E.g. to assassinate 1 boss in deathloop than in dishonored. Dishonored has few choices and few alternate routes

The creators of Im Sims have themselves stated that it's about mechanics too. Don't make idiotic statements and present them as facts.

As for values, there are way more options to play. E.g. to assassinate 1 boss in deathloop than in dishonored. Dishonored has few choices and few alternate routes

The creators of Im Sims have themselves stated that it's about mechanics too. Don't make idiotic statements and present them as facts.

As for values, there are way more options to play. E.g. to assassinate 1 boss in deathloop than in dishonored. Dishonored has few choices and few alternate routes

You are not immersed in/surrounded by the world.... you are surrounding the world

Arkane is not daring to commit this blasphemy so dare can you??

It's better than the other games in most respects - but yes the controls are still clunky. You'll get used to them in a couple of hours though.