It doesn't matter. The goal is to delay. They succeeded. If he wins elections all cases go away. If he loses he's going to jail.

I got in my car and realized I didn't want to work. So fuck off not coming in.

They win. It's over

They lose. Also. Over.

They aren't insane. That's just normal Christian values. Crusades here we go again.

You make a good point. But now make the yellow line the same time or backwards \ line as the rest and you can see how far offsides he is

His entire body is by the defender

Dude is and was miles offsides and it was clear to the naked eye on first look

Just blatant corruption

You gonna get scammed. Just buy it on Ticketmaster

The court is never tilting back to the middle. The game is over. We lost.

He doesn't even need to try to do that. It's a catch all fuck off

If you play poker worried about set over set in 2 card games. Stop playing poker


Is 40%

That's assuming anyone had a flush right now. You can get singleton spades to fold

C:r might have top two. Who knows

Go to the wedding. Figure it out later

If they are soooooo short staffed good luck firing him too.

Just be honest (mostly)

Tell them you were burned out but that you are really sorry and you want to be there and want to work hard.

I'm starting with Eastern Michigan what do I care :)

Once all the bugs are worked out and I've gone through recruiting a few times I'll do a real dynasty

It's like they take a tragedy and make it worse. Every comment. My mom named me Marley would be bad enough

He is getting like 1:1 on his money what are you talking about. Risking 485 BB to win 700

They are going to eliminate anything that puts regulations on business making money

I'm running a meme hydra / movement speed build

I only use fire. Don't use TAL rasha ring

You can kill Ubers. But you can do all the normal content

I got through pit 35 and prob around dungeon monster level 145 without any real issues

Do what you want op have fun

I am, and have been, criticizing the idea of the plan for this year

Surround young players with aging cheap trash

Oh look it's July 1st and the season is over. Again

Great plan.