Purple Pill Man

Consistent and strongest significant correlation was between flaccid stretched or erect length and height, which ranged from r = 0.2 to 0.6.

Stat crunch finds a correlation coefficient of about 0.6 for height and shoe size. So they’re pretty similar on the higher end of the estimates and that’s probably the study I was thinking of.

For reference, the correlation coefficient between height and sex is somewhere between 0.3 and 0.5. That means any given tall man is as likely to have a larger than average penis as any given man is likely to be taller than any given woman.

Purple Pill Man

I’ll add two more: good looking and big dicked. I’ve heard several women say that guys who grew up with money tend to have big penises. Of course, height and penis size are correlated as strongly as height and shoe size, so that could be a factor.

Purple Pill Man

The 2013 El Reno tornado was insane.

It was 2.6 miles wide (omfg) and had peak wind speeds over 300 mph, but was only rated an EF3 because it encountered human structures in a weaker state, doing damage with wind speeds at only ~150 mph.

Not only was it the only tornado in history to kill a storm chaser, it actually killed four of them. It was rain wrapped and behaving in a very unusual manner, and it’s thought that it actually had multiple sub-vortices orbiting the main vortex that killed some of the chasers.

El Reno was extremely fortunate. If the tornado was a mile north of where it was, it would have nearly fully engulfed and destroyed the town. It was heading towards a crowed interstate and stopped just short of it, sparing hundreds of lives.

The scariest tornadoes, to me, are the weird ones, like the Jarrell, Texas tornado.


I thought rage and revenge were bad things.

Billionaires existing is the reason we don’t have publicly funded healthcare and education?

Purple Pill Man

I’m a 3 to 4 according to this scale, which is about right. I look like Grigori Rasputin, but without the long hair or long beard.

Purple Pill Man

It’s not surprising to find that a group subject to systemic discrimination in school does worse even when tested anonymously.

Purple Pill Man

Boys do worse in school because they are discriminated against. They get lower scores for the same performance:

An OECD report called Grade Expectations (

)found that teachers in nations across the developed world, including the United States, give girls higher grades for the same performance. The same report found that grades significantly influenced whether a student was going to pursue further education. Children tend to estimate their own abilities based on assessments by adults like grades. Boys receive lower grades and think they’re not capable. Consequently, girls in many OECD countries are as much as 2.5 times more likely to complete a college degree.

The OECD isn’t the only organization to discover this bias. An MIT School Effectiveness & Inequality Initiative study ( ) also found that middle school teachers gave girls higher scores when they knew their genders. The working paper goes on to discuss how these biases become self-fulfilling prophecies. Teachers expect boys to do poorly, grade them poorly, and then boys lag behind. According to the study, this bias “accounts for 21 percent of boys falling behind girls in math during middle school.” That’s more than one in five boys.

This Italian study( found that boys were graded worse than girls while being just as competent.

This study ( by the American Sociological Association found that boys are punished more severely than girls in school for the same behavioral infractions. This leads to significant impairments to to their long-term educational prospects.

It’s often claimed that boys do worse because they’re more disruptive, but the study mentioned here ( found that playful boys are perceived as disruptive, while playful girls are not. Other studies found similar tendencies.

Purple Pill Man

It is BS, when you dig into the data of the study that people often cite to support the idea that the majority of women can’t orgasm from PIV, you find that it’s a rather small minority of women who haven’t orgasmed from PIV. The media and social sites ran with a confused headline.

There are some nonsensical aspects to this post.

Other than the shooting stuff (and it’s a bit disingenuous to call some lucky for surviving school. Dying by violence of any kind is extremely rare) how is this different than anywhere else?

Purple Pill Man

Nobody who seeks the presidency is fit for it. This is all the more true with the current state of the office, which is (and has been since the early 20th century) an over-powerful pseudo-dictatorship. The nature of the presidency itself fatally compromises even good-faith attempts at real civil service from the executive.

Purple Pill Man

There’s really no evidence that men aren’t pulling their weight financially and domestically. Just the opposite, in fact.