After taking GLP-1 meds, this is how I feel too! I’m convinced that people who are naturally skinny just don’t have that voice in their head that tells them “you’re hungry, aren’t you? You feel faint right now because you haven’t eaten. You should probably eat some carbs.” That voice was so much worse when I was on birth control pills too, which doctors say don’t make you gain weight. Well, if they’re making you more hungry, I guess the weight gain is your fault not the meds, right? /s

It’s the hardest thing I’ve ever done but also the most rewarding. And the baby stage doesn’t last forever - kids just keep getting easier (less work) as they get older. Sleep was the hardest part for me. I highly recommend taking shifts (like someone gets up with the baby 10pm-2am, then the other person takes 2am-6am) because if you can get a decent block of sleep, that helps a lot.

She just said “I know gen z doesn’t like eyelash extensions but I love them” like girl… NObody likes them looking like that

When we started getting close to 3, I was like “oh shit, I think I was supposed to potty train this kid.” He had exactly one accident and then knew what to do. It was really easy. I’ve heard that it’s easier and less hassle when they’re older and that checks out for me, although I have nothing to compare it to

As someone who’s been married for ~10 years, this is not the sort of compromise that relationships require. You make your OWN decisions about your body. Tell him that this subject is a boundary for you, and you will not discuss it with him 🤷🏻‍♀️

A bouncing video popped up when I was sitting with family celebrating Mother’s Day weekend. I had to frantically click away because it looked SO inappropriate! I get it’s good for engagement, but how many actual followers is she driving away with that crap?

Steffy’s “I think fans are cool again” is killing me. Fans are functional. It’s not like they went out of fashion. People are just hot

That’s the far west side of Plano, so you could go a bit west and look at Carrollton apartments. A bit north of there is The Colony, and south is far north Dallas. All of those places are cheaper than Plano

Edit: Austin Ranch is a cool community near your work, no idea what the prices are like, but they have walkable restaurants and stuff

Tayto, chocolate. American chocolate is awful

Also her first post on Threads since September 😬

She even commented that the sound of her own voice was cringey to her. Us too, girlfriend 😆

Her idea that fiction is all fluff is wild to me. Like, does girlfriend know that genres exist?

Moms are people too. It’s probably good for her mental health to get away for a bit. As a mom (who went on vacation while having a small child), it’s good to be reminded that you have an identity as an individual, rather than just a caretaker of a small human

Her company set up the 401k, so it’s something they allowed in the 401k rules. It’s actually a really clever idea if the 401k rules allow it. You don’t have to pay a penalty or taxes on the loan as long as you pay it back, and you’re paying the interest back to yourself. The only downside is that she can’t leave her job while she’s repaying it, like she mentioned

She probably took a loan from the 401k based on what she said in stories about having to stay with the company or pay it back in 90 days

Sometimes my 5 year old “has to rest” after walking from the parking lot into a grocery store. 4 years old is far too young to understand a concept like “if you agree to go on this hike, I won’t carry you”

Right? Like it just seems like common courtesy to make sure you don’t leave deodorant on things that aren’t yours? I’m baffled she doesn’t understand basic courtesy. Maybe she needs a clear deodorant

I don’t understand the mustard walls and bubblegum pink decor

I didn’t see marks on the Reformation photos, but why wouldn’t Steffy just take her own photos to show there were no deodorant stains? She even said “if there was deodorant on the dress, it’s because I tried it on,” as if she did nothing wrong. Like…that’s still a problem! No one wants to buy a $300 dress with someone else’s deodorant on it!

I actually like Steffy’s new door, but that flower costume was a jumpscare