Possibly, if I were Netflix though I’d just start at offering a small discount for annual subscription (which would probably be the current price) and otherwise keep the no contract thing intact.

I’m pretty surprised that the rest of the world doesn’t do these long ass campaigns that we do. It’s like a couple months at most.

I don’t think we’re talking about the same show

Agreed, it’s a bad analogy but I love how in Curb your Enthusiasm there is an episode where Larry freaks out when his assistant threatens to quit. His whole life is spun out of lies and deceits, even with his own wife, and his assistant knows all of it, so he knows it’s going to fuck him over.

I could see any Littlefinger character spinning a tangled web that falls apart once someone in the right place knows where to pull on the right string.

This show has a ton of humanity in its characters and that’s something I really love about it. The missteps totally make sense to me and help develop them into 3-dimensional characters.

Overall I thought it was a great season and return to form. But some of the stuff with Russia was a bit much.

He would validate that he’s really old. I don’t see how that’d be a disadvantage to a new candidate and the rest of the party.

Dang I never really thought about it, I always associated him with a sort of comedy-adjacent actor. But other than that movie I can't think of him in a lot of comedic roles. He was really good in it too, some of the more memorable scenes in a movie filled with them.

I do think if that’s the argument then we will likely see a lot more Antarctica settlement and development before we see lunar or mars settlements. Those are orders of magnitude more complicated to figure out than Antarctica.

Also I don’t think most people consider “millionaires” to have 1M in annual income, they are counting net worth. Most are going to be 6 figure incomes with good savings and investments. I’m nearly there in net worth but I’m nowhere near a 1M annual income.

Agreed, some neat ideas in that game. IMHO it’s not as solid as Rise of Nations, but it’s a great game.

One of my friends is up there with the best quake 3 players in the world. We talk about that scene once in awhile because it’s basically dead now, with a very tiny dedicated base. It’s on life support with no new players coming in. I’m pretty convinced you could get modern players back into it with the right game, but rehashes of Quake or Tribes ain’t going to do it. Hell even Halo seems to struggle these days and that was a much different kind of deathmatch game.

This reminded me of Rise of Nations, which was a banger of an RTS made by Big Huge Games. Their follow-up game was a dud and they never returned to the franchise which is a real shame. But not technically a one hit wonder since they do have a couple other “hits” with Kingdoms of Amalur and DomiNations. But nothing that quite reaches the peaks of Rise of Nations.

Yea that’s super young. I don’t expect much out of people until they’re 25.

I don’t really like sweet drinks as much these days. That’s a big reason I go for a beer. It has a crisp flavor that isn’t very sweet. I don’t like it overly bitter either. I also enjoy flavored seltzer water like Polar. I like Coke every now and again as a treat, but I can’t drink it every day. For people who hate the taste of beer, do you drink sweet drinks mostly? Tea? What do you like?

It will take a long time to get their party back to normalcy. And if they lose big in the upcoming election I think the GOP just implodes in its wake. They would need to rebuild at a time when their young upstarts are all in the mold of Trump.

If the Democratic Party loses badly this time around I think there is a big reckoning to push out older candidates and get younger leads in. I agree that the bench is actually not bad, but leadership hasn’t let younger members become more prominent.

Really not excited about this upcoming election in either direction though.

Fast food generally shifted their strategy from selling to low income to higher earners. That’s the general takeaway. They found out they could make up the difference in volume with higher prices and that people would pay.

Also don’t forget prices actually went down in that period. 2009 is prime recession years, so it makes sense prices got so low. That period was pretty big on dollar menus just to keep customers coming back.

IIRC Subway was likely going to implode, they introduced $5 foot long promo and it saved their butts.

Likely most restaurants looked at chic-fil-a and fast casual places in the last 5-10 years and realized they were leaving money on the table.

Why they changed it, I can’t say.

I’ll consider doing less backpacks, but yea the EAT is so good. Just toss it all the time! Soon you have them all over the map and they’re easy to grab in a pinch.

I think San Juan had an interesting mechanic of paying for your buildings with cards in your hand. So you had to make sure you weren’t spending a good card for later.

Coffee and beer are both waaaay better these days, it was already shifting when I was getting into it, but I definitely had popular brands of coffee and beer and they were shit. I understand people who decided that stuff wasn’t for them if that’s how they got into it!

When I watch old TV footage, especially old commercials or news reels or sports, it looks so dated. Even if you only go back to like 2002. Amazing how far the quality has come.

Also the TV sets are wildly different. We had this giant tv speaker set all made with a wooden facade that weighed a ton. And the screen was maybe 26”? But the set itself was huge.