YTA, particularly because he asked you multiple times to stop and you ignored it. You mean well, but please just listen when people tell you something. If if turns out they were just being polite or playing mind games that's their business, you can only take people at their word.

You did your due diligence, which is the best that can be done sadly. As a social worker (not in cps, but it still applies), we're always reminded not to carry around others burdens, as we already do everything we're capable of and we're not benefitting the kid or family by continuing to worry.

NAH. He was looking at it from his perspective, which doesn't make him a bad person, but stay at home moms often have very bad mental health from the lack of socialization with other adults. As well, it's a situation that puts you in higher jeopardy of being abused (I used to work at a domestic violence shelter and most of the women calling did not have jobs and were financially dependent and being financially abused by their husbands). Also. You didn't say you wanted to marry him? And it sounds like he assumed you would? Maybe you do, but he was very presumptuous, your friend isn't in the relationship, she can mind her own business. He handled it maturely and was right to drop it after you declined.

I don't. But I sweat a lot in my sleep and I don't wear underwear because women are supposed to go underwear less some of the day

Most jobs you cannot set that boundary, and it's not a helpful boundary or one that has anything to do with her allergy. Them bring under the influence from previously smoking shouldn't aggravate any allergies

You can decline service if they are actively smoking in your presence. Otherwise, I'm not sure I see the issue. The smell of them existing in your car is not going to permanently be there. Someone would have to be smoking weed in your car and even then, it would fade. I've never been in a position where I was working with a client and they were actively smoking weed in front of me. So you should be fine.

Babies aren't the best actors. Maybe if they'd paid him better he would've cried more

Yes. And honestly, I was attached to all of the characters, not just Catherine. So with some major characters not playing major roles any longer, it made my interest wane

NTA. It is normal to resent him because he is completely not helping. 8 hour shifts are normal, he needs to get up. Google men on reddit telling their secrets about how they treat their wives. Many of them say they pretended to stay asleep so they wouldn't have to help with the baby. He's gaslighting you by pretending to be afraid when you were literally trying to wake him up for awhile and now acting like he's gonna go save the day. It's called weaponized incompetence. He's a bad person.

She is not getting sleep at all. He needs to help. Men are notorious for putting it all on the mom.

I've found all my jobs in the field want different things from documentation. My first job in the field, it was always the more info the better. My next job in the field wanted me to keep it as short as possible which was annoying. I would look at documentation of ppl you know to be good employees and to be respected for their work and copy their examples

All jobs will offer training, just find something you wanna do and do it.

In contrast to what others have said, I find residential work boring. A lot of sitting, maybe a few chores, a lot of hours with nothing to do.

I like my job as a disability caseworker now. It's also sometimes called a disability outreach worker. I have a very busy schedule where I meet with multiple clients a week in the community or their homes and we work on life skills and also do recreation activites. then I spend about 6-8 hours a week doing paperwork and I maintain all of my caseload's files and reports and all of that. I don't spend enough time with any one client in a day to get bored of them or upset with them and my scenery changes 2-3 times in a day due to performing different activities with each client.

Depends on location. I live in Canada and in some regions the social workers do everything, no one has a specialization. In my province, ppl either have a caseload of foster kids, a caseload of foster homes with foster parents to monitor and support, or a caseload of youth aging out of the system and these are all separate jobs. I would suggest working in a group home or a youth shelter before attempting working as a case manager.

I just use a breadmaker. You put the ingredients in, no mixing, turn it on and walk away

Love baked cheesecake. Stores almost exclusively sell the New York style and it's not the same

Oh and marshmallows. I tried fresh ones once in a confectionery shop in New Orleans and now I won't buy them anywhere. They're easy to make and there's a huge difference between homemade and the grocery store kind

Hummus. Used to love the storebought stuff. Now I have to go buy it at a small mom'n'pop restaurant near me. I tried making it myself but it turns out grainy and gross so I am just thankful there's so many family owned lebanese restaurants near me

I can control everything in my life unless I have romantic feelings for someone, then my universe centers around them and if it ends my mind goes crazy and they're all I think about. The only way I can solve this is by staying single, I have known so much peace by just not dating. 100% abstinence.

Are management and coworkers supportive? I find the teens being angsty and hurtful sometimes easy to brush off. What got to me when I worked with teenagers (in a group home, not as a caseworker), a lot of the staff would be competitive and ask the kids who their favourite staff was and openly side with kids and trash talk other staff when they were being rude to staff. That made it impossible because teenagers are always going to say angsty things and as the adults we have to be a cohesive unit and I never felt that we were.

I don't see that he deserves her empathy? Peter's redemption arc is good, but how easy would you find it to forgive someone for rejecting and humiliating you when you come to them with an open heart, punching you in the stomach on a whim, forcing you to do awful acts, arguably raping her multiple times throughout the show, killing her lover and giving her his head, killing her bear, and killing her mother that he had sex with, as well as pretending he was going to drown her to instill fear. Isolating her. Crushing all her dreams initially.

His decades old sexual assault story does not erase all of this, I would have brushed it off, too. He's lucky she somehow managed to overlook everything and tolerate his presence.

I've never come across a co-worker doing anything so serious I thought they should lose their license yet, so no. Some people do things that are very gray area that I would never bother reporting. It would have to be something like a sexual relationship with a client or physical abuse or something like that before I would.