My guess would be after all the football has finished

Just got a bit confused. Here we call it Treason Day, and we don't let off any fireworks, because gunpowder is a bit of a sensitive topic for us.

I don't know how many I have on my TBR, but I know the list keeps getting longer.

I keep buying books from charity shops, even though I have loads already, and I'm a slow reader.

After finishing CC2, it's a toss up between CC3 and Serpent and the Wings of Night. After those are done, I'll probably have a whole bunch of new books to choose from

My 6yo plays (why I'm on this sub)

He doesn't get the gameplay mechanics and refuses to play the tutorial.

He builds the habitats in sandbox, sticks a bunch of animals in, and then laughs when they poo everywhere. There's something for everyone, I suppose. Your 9yo will be fine

I've already read 2 other books since starting cc2 (went away twice and way too big to pack) I'm about 1/3 of the way through, but I'm quite a slow reader. Unless I get really sucked in and end up reading during the day, I end up just doing half a chapter a night before I fall asleep

I'd love it if you done this, and then he randomly rocks up in Baldurs Gate or somewhere with just one hand (and a debuff stat) and still happy to join the party, because he doesn't know who it was who chopped it off

Serpent & the Wings of Night

I have this book (my mum accidentally bought 2 copies and gave me one) and I'm so glad when I see it come up in this sub.

I've got to get through CC2 first, though, and it's taking ages.

All about the context, or the options provided. Drop down boxes are usually either United Kingdom for country and British for nationally.

I will say I'm English, but not often that I'm FROM England (maybe because UK is just quicker to type), so im FROM The UK, but I live IN England.

Just the same as measuring units: Miles for distance, feet & inches for height, and cm for everything else. We get it, but it doesn't make sense to anyone else.

Yup. I gave astarian the tadpole originally and was powering him up, then I took the super pole because he didn't want to get ugly. I ended up with all the inner ring powers (that I didn't realy use much anyway) and no extra poles to get any of the good stuff until I'd found some more

I'm waiting until after I get the special tadpole (and all of the 1st level perks) to munch any normal ones. I don't want to waste them on something I'm going to eventually get for free.

Greater anglia trains don't have little screens, and I haven't seen a ticket on a seat in bloody ages

It used to be that the ticket on the seat would say reserved from Ipswich to Liverpool St. So you could sit there from Norwich - Ipswich, but then you'd have to move.

Like in a pub, where the table is reserved from 8, but anyone can sit there til half 7

The plus gives an extra wristband.

You'd get the quiet/standard band on the first gate on arrival, and then another band for plus at the plus campsite.

Sky arts now only cover Isle of White festival so download got bumped. Some exclusivity deal or something like that, which is shit. Was hoping to watch the highlight to see if we can spot ourselves in the crowd.

Over here (UK) You'd give someone a banning notice, as an official statement saying you're no longer welcome in the store. After that, if you're caught coming in, then you can be done for trespass.

There'd be a picture circulated around the staff to look out for, but personally, I haven't got a clue who's been banned from our shop, so chances are, unless you're caught by the guy who banned you, most of the other staff won't have a clue. You'd probably be fine going through drive through.

I do question your logic of trying to steal from somewhere you need to visit regularly to pick up prescriptions, though. If you have to change pharmacy, then that's on you. Think of it as a mild inconvenience compared to being arrested and given a criminal record.

The modern day equivalent would be signing off and email with just 'regards' and not ' kind regards'

Passive aggressive, but still polite and professional. Everyone KNOWS it means you're pissed off though

Are you putting the paint straight on your face, or are you using a primer or foundation underneath?

I've never had a rubbing off issue (other from touching my face)

Could also try a setting powder/spray, or hairspray will set it when you're all done.

Some flavour of neurospicy at least.

I'm sure there are a few other clues than what I could just pull off the top of my head.

I do sometimes wonder if he had some sort of ADHD/Autism with the hyper focus (wrote the other 51, talks for 6hrs) , and the need to catalogue everything (check against my list and see consistency, here's an itemised list of disagreements)

My son got a goose egg on his head when he was 2

My 4yo got a massive goose egg I felt really bad about. Had 2 bottles of wine in a string bag on my shoulder, he came up behind me, and when I turned, it swung out and smacked him in the side of the head. He told me I was "never allowed to buy wine ever EVER again" (in angry small child crying voice).

He was fine. I still feel a little bad about it, but it wasn't anything that could have been helped.

Aldi/Lidl pay better. Overall the same, but not always the same job everyday. One day be tills, next ambient or chilled

I don't count the total, I count the number of notes.