Ah, nice to know that they forbid it explicitly.

Is the cable clamped correctly at the derailleur? If it’s clamped in the wrong position it changes the lever ratio.

How’s the friction?

How did the fabric survive all the UV radiation? I don’t think even truck tarpaulins last 40 years.

In the third photo it looks suspiciously like it rubbed against something. Are your brake pads angled correctly? Are you maybe parking or transporting your bike in a rack which rubs against the tyre?

Carrying the bike is actually easier. Cyclocross-style.

+1. I think your typical lead climbing beginner climbs facing the wall with both knees turned outwards. They always want both hands and both feet on good holds. Their main problem is that they don’t climb with their whole body, don’t lean into positions etc. Telling them to climb with a straight arm doesn’t fix it.

The k in itself is fine, it simply means thousand. Of course Ampere Hours is a stupid unit. First of all we are more interested in the energy content (which would be Joules) and second hours is a stupid unit. Its only saving grace is that it’s one of these: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non-SI_units_mentioned_in_the_SI

It’s really strange for these to come off. Tighten the pinch bolts to spec (10–15Nm I think). Alternate between both bolts when you tighten them. I think even if they’ve been ridden loose the pinch bolts should still do their job, so it’s unlikely that the contact surface is damaged too much (unlike with square taper crankarms which rely on a precise fit).

Where is your preload bearing adjust cap thingy?

I don’t really understand the issue. Are you unable to generate force from a straight arms position? I think that’s just a lack of shoulder strength (and maybe a lack of biceps brachii which IIRC has to work hardest to get the arm into a bent position). You could try training pull-ups and really focus on the initial part of the movement (basically going from a dead hang up). I guess all the usual rotator cuff exercises could also help.

Do you find yourself in a position with bent arms too often? (i.e. more of a technique question?) I think quite often it simply can’t be avoided or it’s not as bad as The Internet® would make it seem if the foot holds or body position require it or are just better in that position.

But can you really hike for ≥12h straight day in, day out?

I’m more of a bikepacking person. Covering 100 to 150km per day takes only 5 hours of cycling. That leaves a lot of down time, even if I “lose” some time to grocery shopping, sightseeing, cooking, setting up camp etc. etc.

eReader. Doesn’t even need a cover. I have an old Kobo Glo HD which weighs 180g. Not particularly light but like all eReaders it lasts ages on a single battery charge, even with the backlight (only need it at the lowest setting i.e. 1%).

Doesn’t work in the dark and is heavy. And you need two hands to read.

I sleep badly before any kind of adventure or event (too much stress hormones). Once the adventure starts all the stress is gone and I become super tired. It sucks.

5k mAh

What a mess of SI-prefixes. You are literally writing 5×103 × 10-3 Ah

Pro tip: Bring barefoot shoes, they fold down small enough to fit inside a saddlebag and they are relatively lightweight.

Well then maybe don’t go bouldering alone in those areas in the USA or bring a satellite communicator.

Wow, that’s almost 0.5kg per week while improving your performance O.O
