Black bean burgers are my favourite type of veggie burger, they’re so good with some guacamole as well

It depends on the fries. Some places make them crispy enough that they don’t get soggy and it’s great, but poutine definitely needs to be eaten right away so there’s no time for the fries to soak up the gravy.

Yeah is it not rated R? I never had a problem seeing those kinds of movies as a teenager, but I thought they just didn’t let kids in and that was part of the point of the rating.

I would never have an abortion without telling my partner, but that’s because we share our stance on being child-free and I know without a doubt I would have his full comfort and support throughout the whole thing. The one time I even thought I was pregnant, he sat with me while I took the test so I wouldn’t have to go through even that part alone. A good partner is someone she would’ve wanted to tell.

OP has made it clear he wouldn’t have given her the support she needed during such a difficult time. The fact that she preferred to deal with it alone instead of with him is something he should be introspecting on, not lashing out over.

Seriously, I can’t blame her at all for choosing to hide it, as she would’ve had to manage his emotional response as well as her own had she not. Even for people who are happily child free and pro abortion, it’s not an easy time and he only would’ve made things harder on her.

Yeah my mom was ‘out of the norm’ for not piercing my ears as an infant, since it seemed that’s what most people were doing with baby girls at the time. She said she wanted to wait until I was old enough to choose. I didn’t end up piercing anything until I was 16 and I started with my nose lol. I have lots of ear piercings now, but I’m glad they were all my own choice.

I gotta disagree. Seeing Anthony happy and at ease was one of my favourite parts of the season. He can finally let his guard down with Kate and it’s adorable. He’s still concerned about his viscount duties, but him and Kate were on honeymoon. And Anthony’s obsession with duty has always been so centred on his family, which now includes Kate and his soon to be child.

We still see his competitiveness and banter during the charades scene and when him and Kate are advising Colin, but his frustration and angst have been replaced with genuine joy to be with the love of his life and I love to see it.

I did the same in uni and after for jobs and such, but I went by a shortened version of my first name. It’s not actually that often that you have to use your legal name. Sometimes I wonder how many people who don’t know me closely even know my legal name, because I feel like it’s not that many.

I also think Colin just didn’t want to waste any more time. He thinks it’s fully probably that she’ll make her decision in that moment and the proposal could happen during their dance. He’s already waited too long to make his move and once he’s realized how big a mistake that is, he’s truly a man on a mission. Etiquette just goes out the window

I don’t think his position as a priest carries quite the same weight as it would if she were religious or part of his church community. He doesn’t have a position of authority over her, and she’s a grown woman who actively pursues him.

That said, I don’t think it’s an appropriate response to her expressing that vulnerability. Sexual domination needs to come after a serious, sober conversation about consent and what both people want, and I don’t mean to suggest otherwise. But like you said, this is fantasy. And it works because she’s not walking away from it feeling taken advantage of or used. Like others have said more eloquently, in their relationship she has been withholding the emotional connection he craves, and he has been withholding a physical connection from her - when she opens up emotionally, he responds by opening up sexually. Its not ideal, it’s not a healthy relationship, and it’s not supposed to be, but I don’t think it’s weird that some viewers find it hot or even romantic in that fantasy setting.

Didn’t they suggest that Colin changed because Penelope stopped answering his letters

This would’ve been perfect and so cute holy shit

I agree. I’m definitely a history nerd but I don’t watch Bridgerton for historical accuracy. I just appreciate that they put Nicola in designs that flatter her so well. She looks absolutely stunning in season 3.

You’re correct that they’re not all true empire waist gowns, I think it’s more that they’ve adjusted the style to fit her body better while still having a similar vibe in how they’re cut. There’s definitely more shaping throughout the waist, but still it feels less egregious than them showing women in more regency accurate dresses being tight laced into corsets for no reason.

That’s true, and I genuinely don’t know why this show has insisted on putting the women in corsets and tight-lacing when that wasn’t the fashion at the time. I think it makes more sense on some of the older characters (like Portia) because they may still be influenced from the Georgian era, but the corsets have always bothered me.

See I’m down for Eloise to have a romantic plot line, but this just isn’t romantic at all.

Yeah I’ve seen people complain that the style of her dresses in s3 are not regency appropriate, but they’re still empire waist. It’s just that empire waist is cut under the bust and, for her, that’s a lot lower than some of the other women because she has a larger bust. I think it’s just that we’re not used to seeing mid sized or curvier women in period dramas, so there’s not a good point of reference as to what they would wear.

Obviously there are real issues with the costuming this season, and I’m not saying it’s historically accurate, but the waist line looked correct for me (on Pen).

Colin bribes the maid to be alone with her, sneaks her into Bridgerton house and is only able to get away with it because his siblings are busy elsewhere.

I think in season 2, Kate and Anthony are able to be alone more because she’s considered a spinster and is standing in for a male relative in vetting Edwina’s suitors. Nobody suspects anything between them. In real regency era, the rules about men and women being alone together weren’t quite as strict and the concern was mostly about unmarried women becoming pregnant, so if nobody thought two people were actually having sex it wasn’t always a big deal.

I was raised Catholic and found it really hot, but I think I have a lot of weird feelings about my religious childhood that I need to unpack lol

Sometimes what’s erotic to people isn’t ‘good’. I think that’s why there’s so much erotica written about toxic relationships, people aren’t always turned on by the things they should be. I appreciate that Fleabag goes into territory like this though, because it’s not like the show is condoning anyone’s actions. It’s just examining some really fucked up characters trying to navigate difficult situations. A lot of people relate to Fleabag in this scene in finding the situation hot, and I think that should be a call to question ourselves a little bit.

Totally understand why this makes people uncomfortable, so I’m not here to suggest you should actually feel differently about it because you and OP have a point

The way I interpreted it though is that hot priest has learned to deal with the uncertainty in his own life by ‘kneeling’ or submitting to something else. It brings him comfort and a feeling of safety. I think this is why, when she says « I don’t know what to do » he figures he can comfort her by simply telling her what to do. I don’t think he was correct in how he went about this, but I don’t think he was malicious either. He’s as confused as she is and I think that’s why a lot of fans love their dynamic.

Violet, as far as we know, wanted to be a mother and thrives in her role. Her love for her family is beautiful and nobody is denying that. But not all women want the same things or thrive in the same environments. Eloise is a completely different individual, so the part people find tragic is her giving up on everything she wants and settling for the exact life she has been trying to avoid. It’s not the happy ever after that Bridgerton, a fantasy romance, promises.

Art school would’ve made so much sense lol.

But I agree on the anti-threesome stuff. Threesomes and multiple partners are not a biphobic concept!! Some bisexuals do explore their sexuality that way, it’s not wrong to depict that. If we assume every bisexual person loves threesomes and is polyamorous then yeah, that’s harmful, but it seems like Benedict will be one of two (at least) bisexual characters, so he is not the only representation. I think some of the more stereotypical stuff will be balanced out by Francesca’s storyline.

They even mention that Paul is a patron of the arts, right? Why not go more into that, and show Benedict slowly opening up about his fears of inadequacy with him, and Paul offering him validation of some kind. There could’ve been more of an actual relationship there that isn’t just a few shots of a threesome.

I love Benedict I just want them to do something a little more interesting with his story.

I would’ve liked to see him form more of a connection with a man, rather than just realizing he’s attracted to one. I don’t even mean a romantic plot line, just more focus on his relationship to Paul rather than Tilly. I don’t really know why he had to be introduced to his bisexuality through a woman with a friend, especially when he was in art school and probably surrounded by people who were more forward thinking about sexuality. Benedict connecting with a fellow aspiring (male) artist, painting each other, talking about art etc could’ve been a lot steamier without relying on the threesome stereotype.

All that said, I don’t hate how they did it. It could’ve been better, but I’m happy for bisexual Benedict and I don’t have as much of an issue with threesomes as everyone else seems to.