I submitted my Task 2 where you're basically building a website, I felt pretty good about it and it came back with like 6 revisions and NONE of them were "approaching confidence". One of them mention there's not a contact form, but I literally have a contact form on the home page, and a button on the top navigation banner on every page that says "schedule a consultation" that takes you to the "Contact Us" page. And of course there are ZERO evaluator comments. Wtf? Anybody had issues like this? I submitted the project as a zip file with a compressed html copy with all the resources, I used JustInMind to create the site like they recommended. If someone wants to look over my site I'll gladly send it to you.

EDIT: I found out what the problem was, there's a tiny line in the I strudtions that says "task 2 will not be graded until task 1 is submitted and passed" and I have my revision already submitted for task 1. So I "failed" it because I'm going too fast. ๐Ÿ™„