They’ve worked well for me but I have very advanced students. Sometimes it’s a filler at the end if I’ve got some time to kill. Subtext is very good explaining how if it were a comprehension exercise it would be X but because it’s not it’s Y. Most students get it. Not sure why so many people are being so hostile, but you do you.

I teach at the university level. What is your job?

And I’m not leaving teaching I got a permanent position in Northern Europe… I’m just leaving English teaching.

Imagine thinking 80s are better than 60s noob cinephile

Good answer you sound delightful and probably have many friends

I don’t know if you’re kidding but I choose to believe you’re not


Fun fact, in Seinfeld they asked the live audience what they thought the name was. Some old dude yelled out Delores. They hadn’t thought of that till half way through filming… dude deserves a writing credit

Uni level. The more basic ones are fun. Iron bat super spider. Range ink old lack. Kayak racecar mom madam. Etc.

Warm ups

Leaving teaching soon so thought I’d share some fun warm up activities I’ve done.

By far the most fun is the New York Times connections game. 16 words - what is the connection. Obviously choose ones that don’t have cultural difficulties… it forces them to think outside the box and be very engaged.

Business insider have really good 10 min vids on various topics. Why McDonald’s fails in Iceland. Why lobsters are so expensive. These are fun interesting videos and easy to create a comprehension exercise around.

Teaching subtext. This is an advanced activity but for certain students is a lot of fun. Gets them thinking beyond basic comprehension exams. What is said vs what is meant. I find it’s good to scaffold this with Japanese, which is riddled with subtext.

Share your thoughts/recommendations!

I know a number of people who have done PhDs in japan. It is possible. It is however a long haul. Only do it if a) you’re enthusiastic about your topic and academia and b) you find a strong supervisor

It depends a bit on your long term goals. If this is the career you want long term I’d seriously consider a PhD. While a PhD, endeavor to publish and if you can do some teaching or at least ta work. You want three things a) uni teaching experience b) publications c) grants.