Are you in the UK? Im in the U.S. and the original version has been booted off the shelves for like 10 years now. I ended up using the breathable version after that which was good but not as good as the original!

Then they discontinued BOTH and brought back the god awful "redesigned" lasting finish that is terrible. After all these years, no other foundation comes close to the original red cap. Not even $60 ones

PPI, proton pump inhibitor, is just a medicine that reduces your stomach acid. Some people with severe reflux stay on it for life but for most people, a 2 or 3 month course of it twice a day works enough. It basically allows your body to heal itself from the acidic environment created.

I pretty much never found myself to have much reflux until the year i began experiencing the symptoms you have. I know it sounds crazy to think acid reflux could be causing your issues since we usually correlate that with coughing or throat issues, but it can absolutely manifest itself into other areas too, including irritating the bladder. The body is weird like that. Although ive had DIFFERENT pelvic pain since my ppi treatment/colonoscopy, I have yet to have the bubbly feeling by my uterus like you do since that round of ppi last year. This is what let me know that somehow my stomach acid was interfering with my bladder and possibly all the organs down there.

Do you notice any symptoms of reflux in your throat such as throat clearing or coughing after meals? Or in general?

Do you notice things like constipation?

Well the bubbles feeling I had was exactly what you're describing and I believe it was from trapped gas and my stomach acid causing everything to be overly acidic even though the feelings come primarily around your bladder and uterus. A ppi for a few days would tell you almost immediately if it's related to that if you find relief. That bubbly feeling down there started to fade nearly instantly. As for the period cramp feeling, that could very well be related to this too. You wouldn't think constipation or trapped gas could cause this feeling but it very well could mimic period like cramps.

Sure it could be something serious but the odds are that it probably isn't so try not to worry your mind although I know that's hard. It's a good sign that your ultrasound came back normal before.

● ← Hole to another universe

I loved part 2 but if I'm being honest, after I finished the game I didn't think much about the game besides my ending I got. I was happy (well as you can be) with the end decision but it was also emotional. The game is overly hated and I find it way better than True Colors.

The story in the first game, the power you're given, the decision between killing a bunch of people or someone you love, and just everything that happened in the game only to find out Rachel was dead all along and Chloe was having to die too just stayed with me much longer. No feeling in lis2 compared to that walk through the hall in lis1 when the game begins or the soundtrack.

Two of my favorite scenes in any LIS game comes from lis2 though! The part where Sean and Daniel are dancing to Bloc Party on the motel bed and you can control the characters was so much fun and felt so real for the characters. It was perfect. And also the scene with Daniel, Sean and the mom walking out of the burning church.

You just said Margot Robbie is less attractive?...


It is my least favorite along with others but I'd never recommend skipping any episode of a good series. There is still good things about it and I still think it's an important piece in people's choices about where they do good or bad when they are given the decision. It's an important piece for El.

I don't think you should skip it.

Hi. Although I don't have ovarian cancer and I'm not trying to be disrespectful by commenting, I've followed this board for months due to having the same concerns as you as well as hearing people's stories and what they've overcame.

But after reading your post and the fact that I've also undergone a ct scan, ultrasound and colonoscopy I wanted to possibly help. Where exactly do you have the trapped gas pains? I know you said in lower abdomen but do you also find that bubbly feeling around where your bladder or uterus would be? I had this feeling daily for months and the only thing that helped would be laying down. I ended up being put on a ppi for several months due to suspected gastritis after antibiotics to treat a bacterial gut infection to reduce my stomach acid and let my body heal.

Do you find the gas and abdominal pains exist no matter what you do? Like which foods and what not? It could very well be some type of gastritis and you may need to temporarily reduce your stomach acid.

I think Roseanne is the best family sitcom of all time even now.

Our bodies are so different with reactions to things but i think it is very possible the IUD could be causing it. I don't know if my gyno will want to do another ultrasound but i have my normal pap in September and i intend to ask more about things like why was it listed as complex vs regular and if she thinks a follow up is necessary or if i can just have one for piece of mind anyway. I think if either of our gynos were concerned they would do more tests.

Im not sure if you saw my reply to someone else here but if not, ill copy it because it may help you as well for piece of mind and may actually be what you are seeing to and what your gyno is seeing.

"Since this post, I actually came across a twitter post in which a gynecologist oncologist was complaining that he had a new patient come in worried about a complex cyst after a routine ultrasound and said ultrasounds needed to be limited due to the scares it was creating over unnecessary fears basically.

Another gyn oncologist replied and agree with him so I chimed in and basically asked her what I posted here. Her reply to me was that it should've read as a follicle and not a cyst in my case because it was 1.2cm and under 2cm.

She said anything that small does not warrant further investigation or workup which is why my gyno was not concerned. She also stated that follicles can still be present on scans even when on birth control and that it doesn't mean an egg is being released.

Hearing this from an oncologist who specializes in gynecology definitely helped to ease my mind a bit as well as other replies here like yours. So I guess the amount of investigation is dependent on the size and other factors."

● ← Hole to another universe

Oh how Id love a sequel with them just like this <3

Hi! I am glad to hear she doesn't seem to be concerned, but damn that little cyst for still being there. I almost wonder if these cysts have a tougher time healing with people on IUD or BC because it was more of a weird circumstance for them to end up with them to begin with. Do you know what the size of yours is?

But glad to hear you at least got a "not concerned still" answer even if that stubborn cyst is still around.

● ← Hole to another universe

I don't know anything about it really besides the trailer but as soon as I saw it at the xbox showcase, I knew it was an immediate buy/play. It also gave me a strong LIS feeling and it just looks like one of those games that will leave you thinking and feeling a lot by the end.

In my view, each boy had their main standout season out of the main 4.

S1- Mike S2- Will S3- Dustin S4- Lucas

I wasn't really a fan of either X or Pearl but somehow I am excited for Maxxine lol. I guess I just love 80s style stuff.

Have you ever seen Prisoners, Silence of the Lambs or Seven? If so, can you say how it compares to these? Like is it even close? I loved the investigative nature and dark feeling of all those movies. The trailer reminded me of a really dark version of Prisoners.

● ← Hole to another universe

I absolutely loved Captain Spirit. I thought the soundtrack was great too. The scene of him with Sufjan Stevens playing in the background as he remembered his mom was so touching but so sad. I wish we had gotten a game with him when he was older.

She is an actress and he is the quarterback for the Buffalo Bills

"if you’re a women who used it on your vagina regularly from 1970-1990’s you may have a case. If outside that time frame, the baby powder contains no asbestos."

This makes me feel a little better as someone who was always terrified of ovarian cancer. I used baby powder as a baby in the 90s (j&j specifically). But I also used it in the early 2000s (like 2003-2006 era) while in high school on and off. But it sounds like by the early 2000s most of the powder had been better.... hopefully...

I would love to see him starring in a new drama series, not produced by CW. Something gritty. He shines as an actor all around because he's very charismatic but especially in serious moments. It would be cool to be able to see him in a long running show.

● ← Hole to another universe

Exactly, it became more evident that both shared the same feelings with the added games. Even in LIS, Max puts most of her feelings in her journal that hint about how she's always felt about Chloe and is finally realizing it. With Chloe, I think we got more hints outright but she acted so tough and had so much resentment towards Max that she wouldn't fully let us see it. But then those journals in BTS, she was so love struck lmao...

Thats why I personally think when people say Max was a replacement in LIS for Rachel, they're wrong. It's the opposite. Chloe overlooked a lot of red flags in Rachel and basically idealized her because she was a replacement for Max and Chloe missed Max so much.

● ← Hole to another universe

No there definitely was. Same with Before the Storm and all Chloes writings to Max and about her.

I have to agree with you, i loved her. I saw people here mention that sometimes they just didn't know what she was talking about and I can admit, sometimes I felt that way too. But it was just how beautifully she was able to look at life and appreciating every thing from the plants to the animals that really made me love her. I got so sad when she took a nap for a few days in her little house because I knew her end was close.

● ← Hole to another universe

I much prefer the art designs for the characters in the original since each character looks so unique but given this style of game, I think she looks amazing. I can definitely see how she would look like an older Max.