conversational podcasts/YouTube videos

Do you have a good example?

I can't speak to using Adobe products, but my older Mac Mini and Macbook Pro are only 8GB. I regularly run VS Code, MySQL, Chrome, Docker, and Office at the same time, plus sometimes Affinity and whatever else. Chrome kicks on the fans sometimes.

We looked at buying an old farm house with a small waste treatment system before dumping into the creek. It had to be inspected every 2 or 3 months and also 1 or 2 times per year by different agencies. We passed on the house.

A custom API solution, hosted on a server/the cloud, which the mobiles apps would talk to. For instance, if a user clicks on video option 1, the mobile app uploads their selected photos to your API at, and then the API returns the video file to the app.

You could also let users create accounts, save them in your "cloud" storage, login from the web to view their videos, etc.

There are some existing libraries for various languages, e.g.:

Hire a limo bus, or rent a 12-15 passenger van.

finding developers who understand graphics and video is difficult

not every Android can render a new video from 12 frames

Sounds like it might be time to build out an API service to handle the image processing. It could be used cross-platform and reduce your mobile app development costs.

Below are some initial steps to get your dev security and processes under control:

  • Set up GitHub as a company account, require MFA for all contributors, manage contributor access and permissions per repo

  • Set up your master and dev branches to manage release processes, e.g. make sure devs branch off dev.

  • Keep your keys and passwords in BitWarden in an Admin collection with limited access (2 minimum)

  • Give developers access to a 'Dev' collection in BitWarden to access test keys and passwords

I've gone through this a few times and have been toying with creating a Startup/Remote/Small Business IT guide. I'd be happy to chat further, as it would motivate me to start writing it all down.

It depends on what the confidential information is.

Customer data? Restrict access to trusted admin with IT policies in place

Production keys? Restrict access to trusted admin with devops processes in place

Super secret algorithm worth millions? Hire local devs, build it into a separate service with limited access to repo.

Code for a facebook clone app? Not actually confidential or worth fretting over

Because then you have to measure and make sure that last 90 bend is at the right height so it lines up horizontally. Then, you have to slip on the nut and make sure it doesn't slide all the way down the pipe. Then, you have to cut and flare it correctly the first time, or you have to cut it and add an elbow anyway. And you have to do all of that while working on a long, rigid pipe tight against the wall.

And if it leaks (now or in 10 years), you have to cut it and add an elbow anyway.

So you just use an elbow and save a lot of headache.

yeah, just watch out for the pile of rusty razor blades.

For anyone else who feels attacked by this comment:

While OP said the word "nothing", they didn't actually mean 0 or below average or anything insulting. They simply meant it's nothing special, nothing to brag about, nothing above other white collar work, nothing compared to bloated salaries in Silicon Valley, etc.

As with everything, context is important, and reading things with a little nuance and an open mind, especially with global and perhaps non-native English speakers, helps keep conversations civil and moving forward.

20 years ago, we used to sit on the hill at the Cementon Reservoir:

Yeah, and there's never a superiority complex on the operations side about their work, right?

I have over a decade of experience

my expertise lies in product management, strategy, partnerships, operations, fundraising, value creation, financial planning, go-to-market strategies, and scaling ventures

You're probably not an expert at many or even any of these if you only averaged one year of experience in each area. If you're looking for a FT role, I would try to narrow down your resume. Pick a lane you enjoy or are more skilled at, get some Google certs, and refocus your resume.

Alternately, it's okay to be a generalist, but it's hard to walk into a leadership role at a larger company, where these skills would apply, without a resume of success. You may want to look at getting your MBA and/or more consulting roles.

Get a local lawyer to help. You're probably going to be sitting through a few zoning commission meetings.

Also, I'm assuming the county/township/etc sent the letter on their letterhead, correct?

he serves as a “silent partner”

He says that’s unfair since I am double dipping

Probably not going to be very silent.

It's tough to partner with someone that doesn't recognize a reasonable offer and seems like they may react more emotionally than logically.

Skip the deal, save the friendship. His loss.

Yeah, it's gotta be a huge operation for the owner to be able to put his feet up. Not saying these people aren't underpaid or anything, just that farming is a lot of work from top to bottom.

Depending on your business and personal preference, sometimes it's nice to have a local branch with someone to meet with, though a lot of them have limited staff and hours now anyway.

Second panera- you could probably set up an office in a back booth and they wouldn't care.

I can't get rid of it. It's in half of my lawn, creeps into vegetable garden beds, enters my rock areas, pops up randomly around the shed. Avoid it like the plague.

Make the circles separate and extend the top piece a little to over lap it, and then if the top piece lands elsewhere, it's not as big of a deal.