Seems like there's a lot of bully breed haters here, I have no idea why you're being downvoted, I have also seen bully's do well with cats, it's not impossible.

Reddit removed post

Wait what? It's been a while since I've watched and I'm currently rewatching but obviously not to that part yet. When was he replaced?

Damn, now that I know about this, it might actually make it hard for me to watch.

I've seen stuff about how Bone's character was based off an autistic friend, and that she pretty much is autistic, they just didn't want to actually put it in the show.

Where at all did I say that -_-

Maybe I could try that out

Because playing the same quests over and over is boring and not very fun imo. Why would every class have all the same exact quests?

Side QuestsDiscussion

Why do the side quests, like NEVER change, I'm 23 now and have been playing on and off since I was like 11 and I swear the side quests are still the same since the beginning. It's SOOOOO annoying, anytime I want to play a new class I have to play all these stupid side quests I've played a million times. I've tried not playing them, but then I'm not leveled up enough for the main story line.

Ty Lee's line doesn't feel out of place to me knowing where the character goes in terms of personality. She's not exactly stuck up or anything, but she's beautiful and knows it, and she DOES like attention. The Beach

"I make most of my income from marketplace" definitely sounds like the main job to me.

But I love Facebook 😭😭😭 the memes, and I say this as a 23 year old gen z

Why are you ignoring the part where said they took their little cousins to see it five times?

I have watched it happen twice where one person gets the others name tattooed on them and within weeks, they break up.

Thought I'd find ideas for myself here, but ended up finding more people in the same boat 🤣🤣🤣 no one is anywhere.

Need help identifying anxiety Advice Needed

So for as long as I can remember I've struggled with anxiety, I have ADHD and think I could be autistic so my anxiety could be related to those, but I'm mostly looking for advice on how to deal with it. Mainly, how to go about it with doctors and stuff like that. I've tried some medications before but they never seem to help, and my anxiety never seems to be like the typical anxiety. My heart doesn't race, and I don't get sweaty or anything like that, it's more like my chest feels empty and I just feel afraid or panic. I've never seen anyone else describe it like this, so I guess I'm looking for other people who feel the same way, or help with understanding it. Sorry if this is hard to understand, I'm not used to making posts like this.

Homer is definitely not her brother, they're in love.

My last reply I got confused one who said what, but it's funny how this comment is basically saying the same thing as the friend zone comment up a bit, but that one got downvoted, while this one got plenty of upvotes.

THIS! I haven't really heard from anyone else that has had it their whole life. Most of what I see from other people in the groups I'm in is how much they struggle and how debilitating it can be for them. I'm just so used to it