…keeps da painboy away!

No way youz forgot Gork n’ Mork, I’z don’t know Wut weed iz but Dey make da best!

Hear me out, u go round. It will take long for them to turn their pikes


Beta-7 might also be a good idea since they are good with uhhh biological scps? Does that make sense? Anyhow seeing as 049 basically just makes zombies they seem like a good fit for the job


Oh shit 049 escaped containment again, dispatch a team to re-capture him!

What are you talking about, it’s obvious. The sexiest here is Sasha!

Lure (when I was still a noob I didn’t know what the background ment and since I hadn’t seen it before I thought it was pretty rare and traded a gnol for it)

I’m guessing people still have ptsd from when it released

I’m curious, has anyone met a single heiboktoruk that didn’t immediately attack you?

Angelic warden, opralegion and ouratum (biblically accurate creatures of sonaria!) allow me acces or god shall smite you


Was more thinking of the size those skulls and that helmet on its shoulders would be in-universe

What.. what kind of monsters has he slain… and and that helmet, what kind of monster did that belong to.????


Not the coolest I’ve made but definitely my favourite! You just got to love these biblicaly accurate creatures! ( I don’t have a pic of the updated opra but I made a similar skin for it )

Tbh we are missing a lot of basic ideas that people want, like actual jellyfish, spiders and snakes