I've turned down coffee late at night too many times.

These are still used in the middle east

I was hungry when I saw this thread. I had egg noodles and added garlic, parmesian, salt, and pepper. It would have been much better if my noodles weren't whole wheat. I liked the idea, thanks for the lunch idea!

Middle finger puppet shows. Use something like a weevil, so it can wobble in the wind and not get knocked down.

I'm glad I searched first. I had this exact question in mind word for word.

Edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/s/SJ96SuC7cl

The exaggerated moves are what a lot of people hate, specifically for the very same reason that you used to support them.

Are you saying that it isn't up to which team is better, just which team has the best actors?

Why isn't Tom Waits more popular? Im 44 and had never heard about him until recently. I think it was a reference on Family Guy, or something like that. Anyway, I have several new favorite songs now. 'Hell Broke Luce' In particular.

NTA. But... I live alone and I also over-tighten jar lids. It's not "intentional" as if I'm fucking with someone. It's more that I spent a lifetime putting caps and lids back on with the same force it took to originally open them. I just turn the lid until the lid stops moving, It's almost automatic and no thought goes into it. Even when I struggle to re-open jars I don't think "I should stop closing these lids so tight" I think "these fucking jars are hard to open" because in my head they are appropriately tightened, it's just the dried bits stick in the threads. I don't know your husband so I can't say one way or the other but I put no thought into tightening lids whatsoever, it's just automatic. It might be possible he does the same.

I do understand that his lack of thought about his significant other when closing jars is an issue all in itself though.

Some homebrew suppliers use those as-is to ship fresh yeast. No inflation needed.

You're right, I don't know what I was thinking. I haven't driven my z in years and when it worked I used pliers to open the hood.

Pixel 6 Pro :pixel6problack:

Ask them if there's someone else who keeps calling them about the opposite problem.

As a child I did this when the microwave bell dinged.

Would you have been satisfied with a form letter though?

This post sounds like the sales pitch from a NGO Psy-Ops team. All jokes aside, what is the new elegant system? Sounds a little 1984-ish.

The less infrastructure the building provides, the less they need to spend on building materials and repairs.