Smells plasticky... If I had to say a smell

... Sexy plastic 😂

That we've wasted years writing , and wasted thousands on gear, for an industry to not actually be solid enough to warrant all the time we've spent.

Wheras - âš½ - Loads of money and garuanteed success, if you're good enough and have the right mentality.

Secondly - The amount of messing about and wasting of money you have with people being unreliable.

Buying music, and going to gigs.

Music as a whole, just doesn't seem like a popular form of entertainment. Compared to what it used to be.

Depends how much you wanna' spend 😂

Have you got mics, yourself? Or are you looking for an engineer to record you?

I mainly go for how they look, anywa tbh . I have single coils, humbuckers, p90s and a HollowBody. So what more do I need?

String broke when an A&R guy from a (then current) top 40 pop artist was in attendance

Istanbul story

  • I was 13 at the time, and on the night of the 2005 Champions League final. My nan was dying in hospital. She died literally early hours the next morning.

I was staying in my other nan's that night. Watching it with her.

At half time, I text my mum who was at the hospital. She asked me what the score was, and I said we were 3-0 down.

She said. Your nan thinks were gonna win it. She said she can hear the players doing the cup parade...

Heart Shaped Box.

Everything is perfect. Harmonies, Melody Line, Mood. Everything

Seen my Nan's ghost

Seen a ghost in our street, the other day

Don't go to guitar center.

Google Guitar Luthier. Or guitar tech (Insert your city here)

And check the reviews.

Do you have a budget in mind?


Just putting it out there : This is genuinely my favourite album of all time.

Second is Nevermind by Nirvana


Kurt Cobain always has to be mentioned, as a generally class musician

Andy Summers

The Edge


Tom DeLonge

Billie Joe Armstrong

We'll do it.

Complete opposite of Green Day, but we're 'Good enough' like

Our Songwriter has had meetings with Sony to get signed, a while back.

We're a girl band, who write our own songs. Have proper musicians behind us!AnrdKwFyjglXhBWvDnh-tCz6-A8S!AnrdKwFyjglXg2Iz8pZEU1ylDbXB

One on hand, people have full control over gaining a fanbase, and control over what music they release

On the other hand: People need Major Labels to gain a wide audience ( due to money the label can invest )

It's a two-way street.

Everyone has free will and can put out what they want, but Labels allowed a set number of 'Top Stars' so it was more organized. Today it's over-saturated (with people like our band) trying to get everyone's attention. In reality no-one really gives a fuck, anymore.

Wheras in the '80s or' 90s. I'd have been signed and made millions 10 years ago.

What do you like the look of more?

Buyers regret is the worst thing ever.

Any of them would

If I was O.P. I'd just go with whatever I liked the look of.