And 99% of the citizens would still call it SD Trolley because that's what they're used to saying.

I was walking across one of the newly paved roads on Saturday, no dog in tow, when I got to the other side there was asphalt stuck to the bottom of my shoes. It’s horrible to think what that would do to a dogs paws.

Years ago Saturday Night Live did a skit about this. They had the announcer on the green talking obnoxiously and using a microphone with a cord dragging it around and getting it in between the golfer and his shot at the last second.

:gwynn: Tony Gwynn #19

Looking forward to seeing and getting one of the Cronenberg hockey jerseys tomorrow night.

:gwynn: Tony Gwynn #19

My thoughts exactly, a simple choking up on the bat and put the ball in play.

They obviously don’t come onto Reddit and see how horrible the U.S. is. If they did they’d head the opposite way running at full speed.

:gwynn: Tony Gwynn #19

Well look at the situation, Turang was down to his last strike, being shut out and has one career GS, of course they’re gonna be giddy. Their job is to be that way.

And take this with you, that is be a self starter. If you don’t know the answer to a simple question or problem research it yourself, don’t rely on others helping you, it will get you further in life not just bootcamp.

:gwynn: Tony Gwynn #19

His knee was obviously bothering him on the double, don’t want to take a chance and make it worse.

But she was shaken to her core! And believes in open communication and honesty but decided to immediately divorce him without talking about it.

Navy Veteran :rsz_171-z-0azujl_ac_sl10:

I did this. I used the VA for 6-8 years prior to Medicare. It worked out well for me. Like you I was in the lowest tier but never had any problems getting appointments or treatments. After I switched to Medicare I still used the VA for a couple of chronic conditions because of having been in the system for so long. I started using Medicare at 65 and it works well for me too. Two years in on Medicare I found out I had a rare form of leukemia, Hairy Cell Leukemia, and was treated for it and still treated at a civilian facility for it. When I was first diagnosed I discovered that it’s a presumptive for Agent Orange, I’m a Viet Nam veteran so I filed for compensation and it was granted. Medicare paid tens of thousands for my treatment for which I’m forever grateful, best nurses and technicians I could ask for. However I occasionally look back and wonder if the VA would have found my leukemia, all the years I used the VA I was told I had anemia, they never looked into why my blood cell counts were low whereas my doctor I used on Medicare did. Granted it was two years after going on Medicare so I might not have developed it yet but I often think about that. An interesting tidbit, I’ve only met one other person with the same type of leukemia I have and that was at a VA support group meeting. So maybe the AO connection is more common for it in the Viet Nam veteran community.

:gwynn: Tony Gwynn #19

Morejon has turned into what we hoped he would be before our very eyes. Getting better and better.

:gwynn: Tony Gwynn #19

I wonder what they do with those photos they take after a home run? They could probably make some nice cash if they auctioned them off for charity.

:gwynn: Tony Gwynn #19

Brewers manager Pat Murphy looks like he’s seen a few rough things or two.

:gwynn: Tony Gwynn #19

Wilson playing 4D chess, Arréaz can’t get a hit off him if he throws four straight balls!

And then you have Alan Bester, all 5’7” 155 pounds of him. Played during the same time period of Patrick Roy

Exactly! This response is basically what this whole thread is about.