One Thousand One Hundred Eighteen Pieces.

And counting.

I prefer it. Gives lesser known / newer actors their day in the sun, and helps keep the budget from growing out of control.

This is too coherently incoherent to be written by a bot. This is a very funny person writing bot-like prose.

Tbh I dont care for scadu levels either. There is a difference between being incentivized to explore an environment, and being made to scour one. People have been comparing scadu fragments to golden seeds, smithing stones, and such, but exploring the base game, while I always felt it was helpful to find these things, they never felt necessary like scadu frags do.

The fourth one was in the news a couple years ago for having an ongoing affair with several other officers in her precinct. Idk who the other three are.

It definitely is the weakest entry in the series, but being the least good game out of the best series in the franchise is a pretty good position to be in.

Tbh i love the serious mentor/hapless mentee relationship that knuckles and wade would have had if they spent any substantial screen time together

Silver mine, obviously. Who didn’t love the tram-tram fruit?

Pathfinder 1e is a sprawling modular megasystem, so how much crunch your experience entails will depend on how many and which optional rulesets you are using. Even within just the core rules, the level of crunch you will need to engage with can vary significantly by class. If it’s your first time running, focus on the core rules, and you can always research and add more options and subsystems in as you become comfortable with them.

It depends. The original on gbc doesnt hold up imo. If the one game was pirates curse, thats a different story.

Be a naked with bonk stick. Naked with bonk stick carried me through ds3.

  1. Bullshit

  2. Bullshit I enjoy

  3. Nintendo is done making consoles forever and all current games and future releases will be multi-platform.

Semantically challenged too, damn im all fucked up

It’s entirely possible my build is just bad, or that I never found/used the correct trinkets. All I know for sure is that by the end, i crave a return to bonk.

Insane to me that people are actually playing these on phones. I just cant hack it without the feedback provided by physical buttons. Kudos.

Yeah on second look it does read more that way. Guess im the illiterate one today 😭

I honestly find its the opposite. Every time I try to play a spell oriented build it ends up being a huge pain in the ass. The damage output sucks against against even things that don’t have huge resistance to my spells, and every time I have to chug a blue potion I think to myself “big hammer never runs out of ammo”. By the end I practically ditch the spells entirely and rely entirely on melee with a weapon that scales with my casting stat. In both ER and DS, no amount of magic has ever felt as powerful to me as one big stick.