Sounds about right to me as well and, based on that, Nixon wouldn’t have been okay because spying on your political opponents wouldn’t fall under official duties or even periphery duties.

The fears of totalitarianism also don’t because there are spelled rules of how the president can do things, he can’t, for example, declare himself dictator.

All the fear mongering that is going on about this is for naught.

“Gotta look at her eyes…gotta look at her eyes….” Leonardo DiCaprio, presumably.

By laughing, if they are funny. I mean, come on, Jesus hung out with blue collar men, and prostitutes, do you not think that he probably heard them all?

I am not. Project 2025 was written by a conservative think tank. No one had made any laws off of it and those who do aren’t people I would vote for.

I am still trying to figure out how you got my voting record. As I said in another post on this comment, I and most others don’t agree with most of the things on that list that angry Mr bungle put up.

Oh, I am not saying that there aren’t authoritarians on the right, I just saying it isn’t a “significant portion” of them. I would argue that the Left is FAR MORE authoritarian than the right.

All of it. One poster already showed abortion is on the rise. Iowa, one of the more conservative states was the first to legalize gay marriage.

You know what is funnier? How accurate your handle is. Angry and bungled and how you think you’ve pigeon-holed me even though you don’t know anything about me.

I don’t agree with most of those things and the vast majority on the right don’t either.

So now you’re insulting my intelligence because I am in an ESL program. And you call the right, racists and bigots.

Showing your true colors.

That’s the point! He was president at the time and running for another term. You just proved what I was saying. He was going to be tried and convicted even though he was president so he resigned. Immunity only goes so far and Nixon proves it. All this paranoid bull shit is as bad as the paranoid bull shit of some on the right about the vaccines and such. 🙄

You must not pay very close attention. There have been several things that didn’t get through the court that Trump wanted. Robert’s has pissed off the right almost as much as the left.

So you’re just assuming that is why he had them? Lol. He probably had them for the same reason that Hillary Clinton had the docs ahead of him wasn’t supposed to.

That is the how the system is set up and has been that way for almost 250 years. Yeah, they’re nominated by the president for life. It has been that way for a long time. Keeps things stable and has worked pretty good so far.

Take a deep breath, relax, and don’t worry about it. Your worst nightmares are not coming true, unless you have some weak nightmares.

Bull shit! Most of us just want to be left alone and have some semblance of freedom.

That is a cope from Leftist who are, by nature authoritarian and can’t see how anyone can have views that aren’t.

Here is an article that talks briefly about it. I can’t type it all out with my thumbs.

Basically it covers his “core constitutional powers” while in official acts. Those anything that are exclusive to the office of the president.

It really is very restrictive.

All I am saying is that people will try to exploit it but won’t succeed because of the checks and balances.

The ruling didn’t change anything. It simply defined what immunity is and what it isn’t.

You “the sky is falling” types are wearisome.

Tell me you don’t understand immunity without telling me you don’t understand immunity.

That’s my point. There are certain things that the president can and can’t do. Immunity doesn’t mean that he can do anything he wants.

In the things that he can do, he has immunity. In the things he can’t, he doesn’t. A president can’t kidnap or kill his opponents. That doesn’t fall under immunity.

This boy looks tired.

The problem is when they do mate with them, they growl and generally try to bat them away. He can’t win.