He probably stuffed his portion of the estate into his veins

They have to support one of their own

I feel like you have to be pretty fucking regarded to think he’s anything but another grifter

This is my big tinfoil hat theory, but I think there will be some behind the scenes dealings Trump takes to back out of the presidential race, most likely orchestrated by the Israel lobby. If republicans are in power suddenly brunch liberals will be more inclined to protest for Palestine.

I wish something awful comes your way that I have the ability to stop, but won’t.

Pete Buttigieg is not “slightly more progressive” he’s subtly hardcore right wing.

Especially when you read shit like this knowing he’s fighting a losing battle with his own urges.

I’m hopeful for the dissolution of the American project on what earth do you think I’m doing something as stupid and shameful as watching cable television news?

The only thing funny about this sub is all the self owns by its mentally ill 19 year old boy posters.

I think he’s a mouthpiece for the Professional Managerial Class and uses empty, flowery rhetoric to dupe rubes into thinking he has anything to say. The fact is he’s just another DNC party hack that exists to keep this country from moving left and actually providing a decent life for its people.

He’s the guy I hope doesn’t have any semblance of a career once this is all over. Someone who wants to be president that bad should be in prison.

The central issue surrounding the Civil War was absolutely slavery you stupid fucking putz read every state’s declaration of secession.

There is no way Mark Davis-a man who pays 3 figures to a barber he flies to his house to give him that haircut and still drives a 1997 Dodge Caravan that he’s put around $150,000 worth of work in- is neurotypical enough to have any sort of sex drive.

My dude here is fighting his urges to kiss the fellas hilariously in vain.

Yeah well I still think it is- never met a well adjusted human being who’s in on this trans panic stuff.

No I just think your obsession into this trans panic is based on psychosexual hang ups and various other peccadilloes that doesn’t make me take you seriously at all. You’re probably worried that you know your destiny along your incel journey is leading you there.