It’s cheap if there are no overlaps. I think it’s fairly priced, but def not cheap.

Good job! You can totally do it. I was around the same weight and somehow managed to get to 175. It took me a few years, but I kept grinding. Slow and steady gets you to the finish line!

Saw John at Zenyara after-party and he was a lot better

This is how I would rank it for W2

  1. Dom
  2. EA
  3. Summit

Did you also have a White Russian? Jk, what's wrong with reading in a bar? lol

Investing in your health is one of the most important things you can do. I was freaking out when I spent $1500 on my Peloton 3 years ago. Flash forward to today, I'm down 100 pounds and never felt better. Looking back, that should've been the easiest decision of my life.

Putting the lime or lemon wedge directly into your pho bowl after you squeezed it

Wtf is onion mayo sauce. I've never seen anyone eat jack in the box without their buttermilk ranch.

I agree. Tare or teriyaki sauce is really simple to make at home also.

You know I love to go the Cheesecake

I've worn Crocs to Coachella. No one cares lol

Sriracha on pizza is fire too. Although most hot sauce goes well with pizza

I've honestly never enjoyed a Habit burger. Five Guys is better imo. But in&out still takes the cake.