Thank you and your dad for making me smile on an otherwise shitty morning. This is precious. 😂

I have read your post from a year ago and tbh, why on earth are you still with her!? She is abusing you, plain and simple, sick or not. Do you have any kind of support, friends, family, so you could get out for a while and sort your thoughts?

Damn he is cute. I'm kind of jealous over here.

I love all of this. Your parents seem like such kind people. ❤️

Don't overthink. A change of scenery is always hard on people with dementia and hospitals with all the noise and lights and strangers are even worse. Here is hoping she doesn't have to stay too long and gets back to her baseline at home. 🍀

You can keep her home if you have someone to watch her when you need to step out and of course if you WANT to keep her home. If not, social services at the hospital will help you find a memory care home for your mom. 🍀

Oh, I know that feeling. My grandma had vascular dementia and had her first seizure right after I helped her shower. I was shocked and of course called the ambulance right away. She had to stay at the hospital for 3 days and got some new medication. She never had another seizure since. We kept her at home until the end though because there was always someone with her 24/7. Sending you a big hug, If you want. They will work it out at the hospital. ❤️

Damn, I recently lost someone dear to me and this made me tear up. I don't believe in heaven, but in the undying soul of every living being and that you, OP, will find your beloved cat again.

This! There is NO way you should tell this to a dying person and upset her. Talk to a lawyer in private if you must.

I'm pretty sure this is it. Have you read OPs other post about her bf? What an absolute Dick! Please, kick that idiot to the curb, this sounds absolutely miserable.

Well done, proud of you! Good thing you are taking a friend to get your things, it's safer for you. Afterwards, block her number, tell your mom to block her too so your ex can't reach you through her. The heartache is always a bitch, but also the beginnig of your new life.

It sounds like your mom is in good hands but you can't always step in when he needs you because of work? Have you flat out told him No? I would think he'd hire a caretaker pretty quickly if he can't have his outings anymore?

I was really scared for a moment thinking it was a human turd. I'm somehow glad it's just dog poop.

Absolutely agree with everyone else. Leave for a friends or your parents house, or start looking for your own. If she bullies you threatening sui*ide, call 911 and tell them everything. She will most likely be taken away by force, but will get the help she needs in the long run. Edit: I just saw that you are only in your early 20s, where are your parents? You need someone to talk about all of this eye to eye. This is no life, especially for such a young person!

Dear, I know you said you don't want advice, but I have checked your other posts about your husband and he sounds horrible! Disabled or not, he is using and abusing you! I would really work on a slow exit plan for yourself. He can move to a nursing home if all he does is lay in bed and complain. He will get all he needs there but can't drag you down any longer. Do you want to live like this for the next 40 years?! You are so worthy of love, but not from him. ❤️

I just wanted to thank you for posting this. This is extremely helpful and will probably save me too in the near future.

Yes agreed. As long as he isn't throwing up because of all the food it's probably fine. Should he be living alone with Alzheimers though? Who is taking care of him?

Fucking arsehole. People all over the world are starving and he wastes a perfectly good cake, plus, might have hurt someone.

Agreed. As it sounds, he would probably rather have her in a nursing home but is forced to deal with your mother each and ever day. This is not fair on him at all and I totally understand that he flipped.

Mirtazapin and Seroquel, both very low doses. There is no way in hell grandma would sleep without them (and I wouldn't either) and I'm so grateful they work 99% of the time.

I named her Zelda because of her blue eyes. I might get her a Link very soon.