Well it depends on what you’re after. Finding one pair? Or do you need to play it twice to win? Three times?

Just the probability of finding at least a single pair in one discard is 1 - (44 - 3(8-n))!/(44 - 3(8-n) - n + 1)! * (44 - n + 1)!/(44)! for n discarded cards

(1 - chance of not getting any = chance of getting at least one. (44 - 3(8-n)) is the total cards minus 3 of each card remaining in hand to be paired out of a possible 44, and doing each again with -n + 1 and taking the factorial (! symbol) means to do it n times but removing one card for each time)

Which peaks between 4 and 5 and has a 63% chance of working at 4 and 61% chance at 5

Edit: replaced -n with -n + 1

Blame the French

There’s a whole host of words like that.
Brunet vs brunette (which isn’t even proper French, they use “brun”) and blond vs blonde
Aviator, actor, dominator, master vs aviatrix, actress, dominatrix, mistress (all four having gone through quite different evolutions in English, and think headmaster vs headmistress as the British equivalent of principal)

It doesn’t help that OP called her their fiancé (male) instead of their fiancée (female)

Most nights it takes less than a minute for me

But that’s when I try to sleep at a time I’m tired. If I try to sleep early I can lay there for an hour and be no closer to dreamland, it’s just impossible. And naps? They’re a luxury only afforded when sick, otherwise there’s no point in even trying

She thought it was stupid because obviously her son would always look like a man

Then she saw her daughter and her internal truth (whether she realised it was a core idea of hers or it was subconscious) was proven wrong in front of her very own eyes

It’s not exactly confusing when broken down, but still, bless femanon and her world altering tits

It’s not too bad once you know how it’s done.

(Other than some HTML autoformatting like removing spaces making sections harder to parse / not line up right)

The g isn’t silent, the gn makes it mang-nus

But you’re not pronouncing his name wrong by saying Mag-nus, that’s what his name is when spoken in English. You are saying it correctly. Names will inherently be slightly different between languages, that doesn’t mean you can’t get close with your phonology

My first comment was just an innocent question because I interpreted it as them saying the title is ungrammatical. No argument intended, I just wanted to understand something several people seemingly agreed with that I just couldn’t see. The reply to me was the one that started a useless argument, though you’re right that I perpetuated it

“The priest married men and women” could either mean that the priest officiated marriages or that the priest personally got married to multiple men and women. Multiple interpretations and yet it’s a perfectly fine sentence.

“True patience is waiting for the movie to eat your popcorn”
“Why would the movie eat my popcorn?”

Is probably an even more apt comparison because it functions the same way as OP’s title. And still: good luck saying it’s “wrong” because of it.
It’s bad prose, whatever, but I didn’t ask about style. I asked if it was straight up wrong.

“The old man the boat” is confusing to most people on a first read but is still perfectly valid grammatically. Something being unclear does by no means make it ungrammatical or ‘wrong’

It’s slightly clunky but I don’t see how it’d be outright wrong?

Name aficionado

Island, isle, aisle. It’d be weirder if Isla did pronounce the s

Just read and it pulled off this trope really well I thought

(There is no book in Ba Sing Se\)

It’s not about her understanding trans people, she doesn’t even need to be pro-trans, it’s just that reasonable and caring people want her to stop personally making life worse for women and trans people

“People” don’t exist in Germany, because they call it “menschen”. Nevermind that one translates to the other, if it doesn’t use the exact same terminology then clearly it doesn’t exist

Spamming the inspect animation or weapon swap in games like CSGO and Valorant

I know you’re right, but sometimes they pass too well for well-meaning idiots, sigh

You’e refusing to engage earnestly.

So far your arguments are (and feel free to correct me):
1. Women have it worse
2. It’s not even bad
3. Most men probably prefer it anyway

But 1 and 3 can be immediately dismissed, it simply doesn’t matter. Being a 1 on the scale of severity is still a 1, even if it’s next to a 7. It’s still non-zero, which is all we’re arguing about. And that most men prefer it would maybe hold water if it’s just school policy to prioritise the mom by default. But when direct orders from both parents get ignored, despite multiple pleas, then obviously the men would want to be called.

As for your second argument; obviously it’s bad? You have, in this thread, several accounts of dads, moms, and even at least one former child having to deal with the mom being called first, even an aunt being called first, - something that clearly annoys all those groups - despite the men’s availability and the women’s unavailability. In an actual emergency this puts children at risk. And all because the school is too sexist. Is it men going home with a black eye and fear for their lives? No. But sexism doesn’t need to put someone’s life at risk to be sexism. “Are men discriminated against because of their gender?” “Yes.” That’s all there is to it, nothing more. Feel free to argue it doesn’t really matter in the face of the sexism women face, because that’s a more valid argument, but it doesn’t - in any way, shape, or form - make this not an example of sexism.

Are you going to engage with a single reasoned argument or will you continue to argue with your emotions without anything to back it up?

Are the men treated worse because of their gender? Yes So it’s sexism

One thing being worse doesn’t mean a different thing isn’t bad. Sexism against women permeates more of society and is often more violent than sexism against men. But that isn’t relevant to whether this is an example of sexism or not

It’s 100% sexism against men and any feminist worth their salt would agree in a heartbeat

And is a type of body of water