I mean I think Imani's was alright. Every other was lacking in scenes or in spice. Cuz obviously Ben's had many scenes but he made me so fucking bored I almost fell asleep at the middle of his longer scenes. I really liked Joel but he didn't have nearly enough scenes for a full-fleshed story, even for a story with 1 volume. Bradley also didn't have enough scenes, tho I haven't actually romanced him. And yeah, The Host is the topic of this post. Which is a shame, bc I liked the characters outside of Ben, as I already mentioned.

Girl, are you my long lost twin? I just read through your list of what you've done and ticked all the ones as something I also did. 🀣🀣 And that scene is with all of us, the fact that a goddamn romance game had this kind of (tentacle) content is just awsome & weird as hell altogether.

Also, the fact that I couldn't romance Mehmed bc I made him angry purposefully so he'd be more rough... Yeah, I should maybe just bury myself and be done with it, cuz sure as hell all this red and questionable life choices are gonna get me killed somedayπŸ«£πŸ˜­πŸ’―πŸ˜

You're in the same elo, lol, if you'd be better you wouldn't be stuck with me. And if that doesn't work mute + report.

I mean I go there to have fun? Like I don't want it to feel like a chore or work, bc it should help me unwind. But sometimes I don't do so well and a teammate asking me to do better/try harder just would upset me and I'd report them. Ofc I love getting better and I love competing, but if you're pushing you just wanna make me give up.

I try my hardest, but if someone goes saying I should do more/try harder I sometimes just troll them. And this is a game where one team only wins if the other loses. You're going to lose and sometimes you'll only lose bc of luck.

And this is very much not a loser mentality, this is accepting that we don't have total control over situations. We want to win, but being rude and pushy is not the way to go. We try, we're here, we're not happy about losing either. Saying it's just a game means it's not worth your frustration, the energy you'd be spending on it when you could have piece instead of being angry/annoyed. We're definitely trying our best and still say this, it just means we don't want negativity in our lives over something that won't have any negative effect. Bc even if we lose, we won't lose our money or smth like that. We hopefully cracked a few jokes, met wonderful people and enjoyed the process. Sometimes I feel like people like you can't really appreciate the path, only the goal. And while it can be important, imo the journey is usually much more important.

Imo, asking people to try harder is absolutely off-limits. You can share strats, lineups and you can give advice, if you're good then good teammates will listen. Probably I can also feel I'm not doing good, and this already frustrates me even if I joke with the others, asking something like that won't help. So asking is definitely off-limits.

I main neon.

Tips for: MOVEMENT! that is probably the best advice. If you're like me and don't like custom games that much, you have to use buy phase and end phase, TDM and everything to practice your movements. Go look at radiant neon mains like Temet to know what you have to do.

Think about where to raise your wall, don't just toss it somewhere. Try to isolate space. Most defenders hold two different angles on the same site, so isolate those two, quickly go for the first then the second.

Tips against: If we are good with neon mains, it'll be obvious: we do this bunny hops, air strafing and we know how to correctly use the slide. Be calm. When we do these circles and all that, don't panic and spray. Also, we probably won't end up where you think we should. So be prepared for wide mouse movements. Try to keep track of where we are, but know that we can make incredible distances.

Tips for Deadlock:

Dont try to use her as a normal sentinel, she's not. Her flank watch is worse than any of them and you should play off of your trips. Place it near you and wait the ducks to walk into it. But don't hold too close. If you're in the area of the stunning effect, it will stun you too.

Her wall is shoot-through, but is incredibly massive. Don't use it like a sage wall. It can boost you, but it's much harder. Try to place it in a place where you have cover but enemies can't retreat quickly. Try to place it in a way only the main sphere of the wall is visible. It is extremely sturdy, a player can empty their entire magazine and still not break it with vandal/phantom. If you hear enemies shoot it, wait till they reload.

Her gravnet is really strong, but they can shoot you just fine. Don't rush, let them almost free themselves and then swing them.

Tips against: a good deadlock main will play off of her trips, they will be near, so if you are stunned, be prepared to be swinged. Same with her wall.

I play kay/o quite often and good tips for:

Your knife goes through walls, so don't just throw them when you see them. Example is knife Ascent def, from tree to A lobby. Just throw it to the edge of wall, it's good.

Knife gives a few seconds of no ability, so if you knife and flash, it can be a deadly combination.

I try to say something like 3,2,1 pop! For the timing of flash. If a team is good, they'll aprreciate it.

Your molly usually ain't gonna kill someone. But for stopping push it's really good. If you pair molly with a flash, enemies will try to hide. If you throw the molly then, it's much more likely it will get you a kill.

Your molly doesn't make the same damage everywhere, and it damages your teammates too, so be aware how you throw it

The one on the left one is shino odori from legend of the willow. She's a really good character, tho I've never romanced her. That book's all LIs are so fine, but even though I know that, I've never managed to romance anyone else beside our magician. Gets to my heart every time.

The other one is Eva (MC) of Song of the Crimson Nile, same book as Amen. I really enjoy playing her, both paths are really good, but I've seen someone not like her.

Thank you both for the answers! I am saddened that this happens, but at least they can still acces RC.

Yeah, I had the some problem. Then my gamesense got a bit better. What really helped me is the agent callouts. I used to just ignore agent callouts mid-round, but then I realized they practically just told me every info. And they also say if a player is at 3/4/5 kills. Sometimes just "Four!", but it still helps. Agent callouts are really important

Yeah, it's historically accurate. Also, these kind of stories can end without tragedy. One of my acquaintance's father was my acquainance's mother's teacher while she was in highschool. So yeah, that's kinda icky. But my acquaintance said it was a good marriage and I think if a child says this when they're adult then it probably was. Still icky, but there are good examples. And considering the story doesn't try to say it's completely okay, and this is just fiction anyway with no real persons, it's okay overall.

Btw do you know what those restrictions are specifically? I've read the post, but since then I haven't heard anything about it and probably bc I am not russian and have no ties to Russia whatsoever I've no idea what is actually going on there.

Fic Feaster

With abbreviations the whole text? Hell nah. There is no way. It makes me think of the fic as a chat. I mean I use the abbreviations in my everyday chats, sometimes even in oral conversations but it's really off-putting as a text block.

Slang words are okay tho. If a characters says "that's lit!" or "No cap, that happened!", that would be completely alright by me. I am not a native english speaker, so I already have to look up words sometimes. Even if these words were to be used as a description like "He wasn't capping" (btw I never heard someone say that lol), it's still alright, a bit weirder but okay.

And ofc in chat it's completely alright, as long as it fits a character. I once read a grumpy, oldschool 40+-year-old chat: omg yes, ofc, gimme a min or something like this. It's a big nope.

Sorry, I was preoccupied and my nonnative english kicked in πŸ˜…πŸ˜­ I meant to say creeps with no life and/or other hobbies and/or a healthy self-esteem. Having no life doesn't make anyone a creep, I am hopefully the living example. 😁🀣

Fic Feaster

Yeah, HP isn't probably the best. I read books that talked about things that has never happened in the movies or books as basic things, and quite a lot is like that. Plus there are many different things with a lots of weird names: like dementors and pensieves makes no sense at all outside of fandom. I mostly only read from one fandom fandom-blind: Katekyou hitman reborn. It was mostly easy for me, because at first I read crossovers and only later headed to actual KHR fics. The world is set in modern times, only adding some superpowers so super easy. The system of superpowers is really easy to piece together, it's just basically there are 7 types and you gotta remember those types. So it was a positive experience for me. I think it really depends on ff tho which are good and which are not for fandom-blind reading.

Fic Feaster

What are fandoms that don't deserve to be flamed for simply existing?

Fic Feaster

As long as it's well written? I like non-con and I know it doesn't have to be the worst thing ever, it's still traumatic. But it needs to be addresses accordingly to the person's personality. But if a sensitive, sensual woman gets raped and just goes yeah it happened then proceeds to never talk about oz not feeling even a bit bad, it's really bad for me. The only thing that can make this better is brainwashing, then it can be okay.

Anyway, that's for longfics, for smut anything is good, I don't mind

You had me have a flasback to avatar: the last airbender and the cabbaggebender finally exists in Skye! 🀣🀣 You are completely right btw, I am not a smoke main but I know every default smoke and the base of smoking and when we have a clove we have 50% they ain't gonna smoke, 40% they are bad smokes and 10% smokes and know how to smoke properly. I love playing my mains, but I am seriously considering changing to a controller main just so we have a decent smoker.

Oh, thank you! Do you know if you can play it in english?

No, don't worry, I get it! I think the comment section quite clearly shows what people think about his entitlement. I just think most teens I meet are much more accepting and patient.

I only ever get tilted if the game becomes an op/odin battle, bc this is just no fun. Usually I buy phantom but I am really good with both op/odin. So when I have an enemy where multiple people just buy op every round and get kills... I just do the same and watch 'em lose. Honestly, I am really good with op for my rank, so it's a bloodbath. But since I know it's more enjoyable for everyone if I don't have op, I don't do it. Now when they do, it's all bets on. These players usually don't know what to do with op as enemy, so I'm good. After the game is over, I just talk to my sis for a few minutes, shit talking about them and their dear mother. Usually calms me down.

I honestly can't say anything bad. When I played Iron people were so chill. They played a game they enjoyed and that was fun. I am in silver and people are getting really not chill. I honestly miss my Iron days, but I also like getting better :( so I don't know what to do. I have a theory that the higher you are, they more toxic people get. Maybe this is bc of how competitive they are/how they don't jave a real life bc they are creeps. Idk, but I like to think so

I am kinda hurt by this, bc I have a sibling who is 13 and she's much more mature than this person. This doesn't look like a teen, this person looks like a kid in kindergarten. 15 year olds are more mature than them. Btw I love your flair, it's so accurate He's worth it though, I loved every piece of it.

Amateur question: what is 7HS? I know of LoD but I have no idea what the other could be πŸ˜…πŸ˜