No, in the comics Tek Knight is a normal guy who has a tumour that makes him want to fuck stuff. He sends his Robin away incase he can't control his urges (he tries to supress them in the comic). He gives some info to The Boys and later he dies saving a mother and her kid from a falling wheelbarrow. He's a pretty all right guy in the comics compared to the rest of the supes

"Batman only beats up poor people"

Literally every Batman villain:


They gave up on "normal people make plans to incapacitate/kill supes" really fast

He wouldn't start his answer saying "that's a dark way too look at it" if he wasn't talking about the sexually assaulting Hughie part. He clearly addresses the second part of the question first (about how bad what happened to Hughie was), essentially saying that's it's not that much of a deal and then he goes to say that Batman's a fascist, Tek Knight is a sexual deviant etc...

S3 was so bad, not only do you have those weird ass twink comments from Maeve, but his entire arc is supposed to be about toxic masculinity cause he wants power to protect those he loves but then Kimiko's arc is also about her giving up having a normal life to have power to protect those she loves but in her case it's a good thing (they do ruin her entire "i'm not a monster" arc in the end by having her dance while killing people too so whatever).

That's what's good about TES, elves are the ones doing the genocide. Every elf in TES is either a nazi, a slaver, a cannibal or just a caveman.

Cap when he learns that Sam took the mantle:


Owen Mercer, the second Captain Boomerang (and son of the first one) he's also Bart Allen's (Impulse) brother

No, The Boys don't kill Tek Knight. He dies after saving a kid from some construction equipment that was going to crush him

It's even worse now, in the comics Tek Knight actually tries to supress his urges (he sends his Robin to train with another group so nothing will happen to him) and dies saving a kid. While the show version is just a racist degenerate