Lives in a society

Its just the way they market things now ya know?


🎖️ Comando castro-chavista K

Dale gil, segui creyendo en "los comedores fantasmas" mientras tenes a Caputo de ministro de economía y la celebración de los Menem a full. Son todos chorros, de ambos lados, pero parece que del lado de uds solo son capaces de verlo cuando lo pueden asociar a la yegua de alguna manera.

What, is the culture of the region diferent in this timeline? Because Im pretty sure cities like Metz are quite French


Y no, Milei no quiere hacer ninguna locura militar y no esta metiendo presa a la gente a lo Hitler. La comparacion es una boludez. Ambos estan completamente locos igual

Jajajajaja la única oportunidad de salir del pozo, sos un ridículo

Y después dicen que los peronchos tienen lavado el cerebro cuando cualquier tipo de criticismo a Milei esta mal porque es poner "palos en la rueda"

🎖️ Comando castro-chavista K

Das un asco tremendo militando a estos pseudofachos que pudren la comida antes de "darsela a los kirchos". Que prometen la lluvia de inversiones pero destrozan el consumo y ponen los precios de energia más caros de la region haciendo que seamos un pais no competitivo. Que prometen libertad pero le ponen limites a los aumentos de salarios. Que dicen de ajustarse el cinturon pero te siguen subsidiando a Galperin y se van cada dos por tres de viaje por EEUU. Sos un asco

Lives in a society

Yeah but evennin something like Birthright he wanted to kill possibly thousants to make his company look good for example

Not in our case because with China is merely trade and some research. The US wants us to exchange trade and some research for a grand total of nothing because we dont fit their geopolitics and they dont want us to work with China. We were with the US a good 30 years and we got a lot of nothing

And dont worry, our president doesmt like China


The other guy said that just because Niger went to Russia they are screwed and should have stayed with the US, when they were getting a terrible deal by staying with France and the US. It may be just a small portion but at least I dont have to read thhe Chinese and Russians claiming that they protect the world while doing heinous stuff (probably because they dont speak english in the case of the Russians)

Lmao inferiority complex. Go screw yourself.

Lmao if you think the US people dont think they arent the objectively best option and that if you dont pick them you are screwed

Lives in a society

He will just throw some smoke bombs and the chicks just wont be able to see as he no diffs them


Being a satellite always ends badly.

We were a US satellite once and it was awful. Niger is sick of his French influence for a reason. The US has always complained about the relations we have wuith China but the Chinese just give us a much better deal than anything the US has ever done for us. Stop trying to put yourselves in a pedestal as the only one legitimate international influence, you are terrible too, and in this case the French influence has been particularly awfulm

Not saying this wont end badly nor that the russian arent terrible but this attittude wont help. Do better than the rest if youbwant people to embrace you

Isnt the problem with France and thats why the US is getting pushed out too (since France and the US are allies)?

Not Turkmenistan, Turkestan. They would have a decent ammount of people, nukes, and a lot of oil, they could try to get some global influence

Turkestan includes all of Central Asiq

Turkestan remains united as the de jure Soviet Union and adopts islam as the state religion