Yoga, stretching, and believe it or not, WEIGHT TRAINING, will totally make a huge difference. I used to totter stiffly out of bed and think "omg, this is awful" but especially the weight training + good stretching afterwards, is a COMPLETE GAMECHANGER.

Also, do see a doctor. You might have a pinched nerve, or something a bit awry, and these things are very easily fixed with physical therapy and targeted exercise.

Swimming is good too, especially if you do it slowly and sort of meditatively as a relaxation exercise.

:jamesacaster: James Acaster

I never did either, but one day The Music Man was on TV and I was .... WHAT???? It sounds so much like a Lennon-McCartney song, doesn't it? Penny Lane, Yesterday, that kind of beautiful tuneful ballad.

Just double-chiming in to say YES, and also that I absolutely LOVE your username u/TIL_eulenspiegel !!!!

Not another one of these, I'm now convinced it's the same person posting slight variations under different user names

Most cafes have wonderful "business cards" next to the cash register, and I've been bringing those home as souvenirs, some of them are gorgeous and it is a great memory as well. If you don't find your mugs, why not try this?

Other ideas are to go to the flea markets where you can find really cool little pitchers, ashtrays and so forth, often vintage, and "branded." We've found some awesome stuff there.

Lastly, if you really want a souvenir mug, most of the museum gift shops sell all kinds of them--they'll have art on them related to the museum collection, and they're still very cool souvenirs.

Gus walks himself between my laptop and my stomach, does a complete hard flop against me, lying on his side, then lifts his left back paw, and I am required to slide my hand and arm under his leg and between his front paws right up against his belly and scritch him indefinitely, while my other hand has to give him head scritches. He will purr FOR HOURS and it's very very VERY sweet but you know, sometimes Mommy wants to type stuff on her laptop, Gus!!! If I remove my hands, say, to TAKE A PICTURE< he gives me this look:


Gus, Pawyer and Just-hiss seeker against OUTRAGS

At least it was an accicidentte! MY servunts took a picter DELIBEREEAOWTLY and I am still seeeething, although right now I'm again in this pawsition, which I like, which is sleeping on my meowmy's legs but that is JUST FOR THE MOMEUNT.

Here is the offending view!


Absolutely perfect response. I wish OP would listen to you. You absolutely nailed it. Bravo.

"I LOVED him and he PROMISED it was a great extended warranty! My teenage daughter kept calling him RUDE NAMES like "scammer" and "con man," just because she was so jealous when he TRUSTED me enough to let me put that big deposit down for his new car extended warranty business! You don't understand! You think no man could be attracted to me! Well WRONG. Now I want to kick out my daughter!"

Don't be silly, they've never cracked open an econ or bio book in their stupid lives. They can't read. They can't count. To them, that WAS "a huge crowd! SO much more than what you see at a picnic! It was like eleventy billion thousands of people!"

And when Mama's boy says "Mom was just JOKING, why are you confronting her?" OP needs to look completely innocent and appalled, "What, I'm not confronting her, I'm just asking some innocent questions!" OR.... better "I'm not confronting, I'm JUST JOKING"

:jamesacaster: James Acaster

Well interestingly, Till There Was You comes from "The Music Man"!! So it's Meredith Wilson we have to credit there. (But I love the Beatles version the best!!)

Sunset Boulevard

The Big Sleep

Double Indemnity

The Player

The Big Picture

Fast Times at Ridgmont High


Barton Fink

The Big Lebowski



Straight Outta Compton

Just saying, maybe "coughed up" isn't the best choice of phrase here hahaha

ps you HAVE to read "The Thursday Murder Club" which includes a character who is exactly this (although she's been a spy for years). When she's caught red-handed or confronted she blandly tells them "What are you gonna do? Take me to court? I'll just be extremely confused and elderly and think the judge is my nephew and invite him to tea" and it is just so funny and actually enheartening. They've just cast Helen Mirren to play the part in the movie and I can't wait.

Ohh I decided to fully embrace it!!! I call it the "cloak of invisibility." I can walk into a store, look around to my heart's content, and it's as though I AM NOT THERE! Secretly I'd like to invite other old ladies to start a shoplifting gang. We need a couple of teenagers to deploy as decoys and ohhh could we clean up.

We bought a funny little "cat toothbrush" for our Gus and hilariously, he not only LOVES (and actively begs for) having his teeth brushed (I think he loves the taste of the "cat toothpaste" we got) but then INSISTS on a fetch game with the toothbrush afterwards. I still haven't managed to get a picture of him busily trotting towards us with the toothbrush held firmly (horizontally!) in his mouth, but I will keep trying.

He will also industriously bring us any number of his furry mice and literally drop them into our outstretched hand, inviting us to "play fetch" with him. Oh, it's just the funniest thing!

The King, surrounded by his loot:
