Whenever I go camping with friends, everyone brings random booze that we run through a Brita. Another one of our rituals is "Bad Beer Night," and the worst of the worst gets a trip through the Brita. There's just no saving some alcohol., we've found. :) We bought an alcohol refractometer to test the ABV and it was fun to watch shitty beer turn into distilled, stronger (by volume) shitty shots.

T-Rex also sells a 4L "party jug." Ugh.

I am literally dealing with the exact same thing. I found the site when looking at hotels on Google Maps, and they were listed on the left-hand side as one of the potential companies to book through. I did so, and just as indicated here, a few days later, I received an email stating that they were refunding me my money, with absolutely no explanation given. But it's okay guys, I got a coupon for a future purchase. Like even if this was legit (which it's seeming more and more than it is not) why would I ever book again with a site that cancels reservations less than a week out? I did manage to book at another location, using Expedia, and just finished working on a dispute with my credit card company.

Depending on how bad the employee is at stealing the cable, they might be a very current employee.

That's why I just focus on turning my Sidewinder into the best Thargoid-killer possible. ;)

Speaking of Sidewinders, it was just last night that I learned that in lore at least, the Anaconda is capable of piggybacking a Sidewinder. That'd be pretty sweet honestly. :)

I will often turn on SC Assist but veer off the target to go faster, then steer onto the target around the 7-8 second mark. But once in awhile, my timing is off, and I'm sure SC Assist won't drop me out in time, but then suddenly, I'll drop out, and see the interior of the station as I blow through it and stop, unscathed, just outside of it on the other side. It always makes me laugh when it happens. It's even better if a friend is near the station and docking when they suddenly see me rip through the station and come out on the other side. :D

I like how he "signed" his name using a font that reminds me of The Print Shop on an Apple IIe printed on a dot matrix printer. The only thing that would be better is if he used the font that looks like logs.

Wait until you smell that rain...

I knew the used car market was bad, but damn.

Slow down a lot when approaching bus stops.

What I find stunning is that these people essentially have the element of surprise, then actually get out of the vehicle, and they still missed the target, at least so far that he survived as was able to speak to police.

Don't forget those who merge, then cross all lanes of traffic to the far left lane, then drive under the speed limit.

“I had to have years of therapy to learn that I am not a horrible person for making the decision that I did.”

Sorry, honey, you are a horrible person.

All of the shit going on in the world right now, and this shitstain thinks that _this_ is what the world cares about? I am pretty confident that trans women shaking their breasts are not even going to make the Top 10 list of things any country gives a shit about right now except for the US, and not even then. It's just loudmouthed individuals like this who like to hear the sound of their own voice while nodding enthusiastically, hoping everyone around them agrees.

I'm not too surprised! I've been a couple times and you and your staff have always been wonderful, and great to visit with. And I've always admired the work ethic there, seeing how early you're there to get prep done and the restaurant ready to open. Always inspired me to get off my ass and to try to better myself.

While not the lowest calorie (400), I've found that Soylent works for me because I can sip on a bottle for an hour or two while working or whatnot . And whatever is in it makes me feel really full. The downside is the cost, which ultimately might be what has me stop drinking it and transition to Soylent Green instead.

Ah, the typical "I knew what I was doing but don't trust others to do the same" argument.

Those having tests done to them are technically the most patient. I mean, all of them are! Thanks, I'm here all week. ;)