When was the last time?

The 27th Amendment? The one passed in 1992 that was originally proposed in... 1789?

Hell, we couldn't even get the states to give women equal rights.

The one prior to that gave 18 year olds the right to vote. You think 60% of the states would ratify that today?

Seeing as to how there are approximately always around a 50/50 split in the Senate, a lot of people are in fact voting GOP.

There are more red states than blue states so theoretically they have a better chance at getting a constitutional amendment passed than we do.


Try getting 2/3 of families to vote against their own interests.

I have a very hard time believing Kavanaugh, Barrett, and Gorsuch are going to allow Biden to replace Alito and Thomas with liberal judges.

No chance that 2/3 of the Senate vote to remove a Supreme Court justice from the bench.

Harris would become President until Inauguration Day, regardless of the outcome of the election.

Harris would become President at least through inauguration day.

She'd probably be the de facto Democratic nominee as well.

My mother worked as far back as I can remember. Heck, my grandmother worked when I was growing up in the 60's.

It's always been an issue but it has been dramatically increased lately due to social media. It used to be comparing yourself to your neighbors or the family of your kid's classmate in school.

Now, it's compared to everyone on social media, regardless of what demographic you're in.

What really amuses me is how young people point to the Simpsons as proof that back in the "good old days" families could afford a house on a single non-professional income.

People... it's a CARTOON!

No one would point to the Flintstones as proof that prehistoric people drove cars with big stone tires.

Holy crap!!

I need to stop eating while scrolling through Reddit.

I almost choked when I read that!

Not voting to make things better when given the opportunity to.